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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Kinder gentler SGI: Helen Chinberg SGI Headquarters Leader circa 1997

"Concerning this web site, I find it to be the most negative and
self-destructive piece of trash on the entire world wide web. Your
continous slander of the Soka Gakkai will only bring you to the achivi
hell of incessent suffering for many kalpas to come. I sincerely hope
that Nikken steps down from his high and mighty throne and stands up
like a real man and admiits his wrong doings to President Ikeda and the
entire membership of the Soka Gakkai. There is only one organization
that will be left standing and it won't be the Nikken sect. You have a
lot of nerve to call yourselves Buddhist. I would describe you all as
dogs wearing the robes of priests. Nichiren Daishonin would SHIT on you
and use your faces to wipe his ASS. You may never in all of history be
ever praised by the Buddha Nichiren Daishonin for the evil works that
you have done to this planet and it's inhabitants. As far as I am
concerned if the rest of the adherents of your concepts of what you so
slanderously call Buddhism, die, as the ones that have in the past, I
would not weap one tear for them. You have made a mockery of the concept
of Buddhism. All of the trash on this web site should be deleted from
the internet. The Soka Gakkai doesn't slander you so why in the hell
should be so defensive in coming at us like you do? It is really strange
that Nittasu Shonin died so mysteriously, isn't it? His body wasn't even
cold before Nikken took over the Head Temple. He is not the priest that
should inherit the position of High Priest. All of the leaders in the
Soka Gakkai know this to be true. I am sure that Nittasu told President
Ikeda who was legally to be in that position. Nikken Abe is a thief and
a liar. He hates all of the members of the Hokkeko and never loved
anyone else that was or wasn't a priest. Now all of you who belong to
the slanderous Nikken Sect sleep in the same bed with DUNG. I stand by
and watch all of the people you have swayed to come over to the temple
die, get divorced, become ill, loose their jobs and status in life,
their lives have been devastated and completely destroyed because they
follow an evil priest that calls himself the living buddha. This is sick
and demented. All of Nikken's teachings are for his benefit. He wants
you to believe that he is the true buddha, he wants you to believe
thateverything he tells you is true. It is not, all that he tells you is
false." -- Hellen Chinberg, Very very proud SGI member

1 comment:

  1. LOL !

    She is not quite the example of gentle character and all ?
    Het language doesn't fit a compassionate attitude towards all life.

    She follows a man and is part of an organisation that falsly claims heritage of the Nichiren lineage, that discards Buddha and Nichiren, and on top of that Slanders, pervert and twists their teachings .

    I am pretty sure that if someone will be headed towards Avichi , it will be her.
