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Thursday, August 28, 2014

At this very time, only those rulers who who embrace and believe in the mandala of the five characters will be able to save the people

"Then the Buddha said: “Listen carefully. You must not propagate it in the first millennium of the Former Day of the Law or in the second millennium of the Middle Day following my death. In the beginning of the Latter Day of the Law, slanderous monks will fill the land of Jambudvīpa, so that all the heavenly gods will demonstrate their rage, comets will appear in the sky, and the earth will quake like the movement of huge waves. Innumerable disasters and calamities, such as drought, fires, floods, gales, epidemics, famine, and war, will all occur at once. The people of Jambudvīpa will don armor and take up bows and staves, but since none of the Buddhas, bodhisattvas, or benevolent deities will be able to help them, they will all die and fall like rain into the hell of incessant suffering. At this very time, rulers can save their countries and the people be freed from calamities and in their next life escape the great fires of hell if they embrace and believe in this great mandala of the five characters.”


  1. At this very time, rulers can save their countries and the people be freed from calamities and in their next life escape the great fires of hell if they embrace and believe in this great mandala of the five characters.”

    It would be a miracle if this were to happen. The only way we would know if this had happened would be if a ruler of a particular country embraced the Law and then that country became protected and upon seeing this the others followed suit

  2. Replies
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    3. Hopefully sooner than latter as we are running out of time

      Country's that are ruled by a Theocracy [Islamic states] Kings, Queens Royalty, Emperors, Military Governments, Communist Parties, Corporations, The Ruling Elite who control most of the worlds assets etc.could be sent a Nichiren inscribed Gohonzon,a copy of the Lotus Sutra and Gosho with the above Gosho excerpt as the subject

      You would think that like a dying person that are so desperate to stay alive that they would give just about anything ago to save them selves but in this case also all those that they care for.

      In country's that have democracies, and the internet, it is the people who choose their leaders, we the ones who can be viewed as the rulers so the best way to reach them is through Google because they suggested to me this blog as they knew I was interested in Nichiren Buddhism. Hopefully Google can get through to those living in oppressed regimes where the internet is monitored

  3. I think we are [running out of time].
