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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"No matter how learned a person may appear, if his ideas are warped you should not listen to him."

"...Shakyamuni is the father, sovereign and teacher of all other Buddhas and all gods, of the whole assembly of men and heavenly beings, and of all sentient beings, What god would rejoice if Shakyamuni were killed? Today all the people of our country have proved to be enemies of Shakyamuni, but more than lay men or women, it is the priests with twisted understanding who are the Buddha's worst enemies. There are two kinds of understanding, true and perverted. No matter how learned a person may appear, if his ideas are warped you should not listen to him." -- Letter to Nikke

1 comment:

  1. " No matter how learned a person may appear, if his ideas are warped you should not listen to him."

    Might need to add a disclaimer here, like:

    Attention: SGI members, you will incur repercussions for employing this strategy with regard to the instruction, guidance, demands,and orders issued by SGI leaders, including suspension and/or termination of your membership in SGI.

    This warning in no way is intended to dissuade any SGI member from upholding the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin. However, it is strongly advised that SGI members engage in more in depth study so that they can correctly perceive the benefit and good fortune they attain for correctly applying the teachings of Nichiren.

