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Friday, October 14, 2016

WikiLeaks: The two faces of Hillary Clinton on Syria


  1. yes, i have been aware that something is funny about syria. the american people should take a deep look at this weird tragedy.

    however, trump is not the answer. why replace something bad with something 1000 times worse? not smart. kinda like replacing nixon with hitler. the american people should insist on more real choices. a two party dictatorship .......nah!

    lately, i find myself chanting more and more for the nation.

  2. I am much more concerned about events closer to home ;

    From the article linked above:

    The Huffington Post previously covered Gottesfeld’s case, and published the announcement of a hunger strike.

    He and others, including a former Boston Children’s Hospital nurse, as well as a former federal prosecutor (who happens to be the longest-tenured member and of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,) assert the hospital abused Justina and other children in similar situations."

    I am the former Boston Children's Hospital nurse referenced in the article-- and am preparing to make statements on behalf of Marty Gottsefeld which once again will likely threaten my livelihood -- and the only reason this is upsetting to me is because my livelihood IS protecting youth in our mental health system!

    Nichiren teaches that remonstrating with corrupt government officials IS upholding the Lotus Sutra. I can attest to having experienced actual proof of that.


    The Huffington Post previously covered Gottesfeld’s case, and published the announcement of a hunger strike.

    He and others, including a former Boston Children’s Hospital nurse, as well as a former federal prosecutor (who happens to be the longest-tenured member and of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,) assert the hospital abused Justina and other children in similar situations.

    Gottesfeld submitted a lengthy report to the United Nations and U.S. Department of Justice, citing numerous media sources, including interviews with Justina and her family.
