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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Moonies or Soka Gakkai?

The following is an experience and observation by a two year Soka Gakkai member writing on the Soka Gakkai Unofficial yahoo group:

"While I do agree that President "She thought we were like the Moonies with all the Ikeda stuff." deserves respect for making Nichiren Buddhism known in the West, why do you suppose you have had to explain "a million times" that the SGI does not worship President Ikeda?

Would you agree that there is at least a perception that this is happening?

One of the dictionary definitions of worship is: "To regard with great, even extravagant respect, honor, or devotion."

I once brought a friend to a cultural center to introduce her to the practice. This particular meeting started off with an experience in which the speaker lauded President Ikeda as his mentor. (Well, that's okay, if it helped him..Great!) This was followed by a film about Ikeda's youth. (Okay, interesting experience). This was followed by a Gojakai film explainig the requirements to join, one of which was to have read The New Human Revolution, by President Ikeda (not the Lotus Sutra, not the writings of Nichiren).The meeting concluded with "Forever Sensei." I think this fits the definition above.

At this point my friend wanted to leave as her "cult-meter" started going off. She though we were like the Moonies with all the Ikeda stuff.

But it is a fact that this continued focus on Ikeda turns a lot of people off, and has lead many to stop coming to meetings, or to leave the organization. I don't want that. You don't want that. To simply view this as "negativity" will not address the problem. In order to fix a problem, one must first admit there is a problem."


  1. Since the real the problem lies in the heretical doctrines of the SGI, it seems unlikely that the Ikeda "symptom" will ever be properly addressed. When SGI members have no grounding in Nichiren's writings, why would they stand up and speak out against slander by their Top leaders?

    The SGI is a pyramid club, propelled by motivational speakers-- this member's plea to address the "Ikeda problem" is in regards to recruiting new members-- NOT a confrontation of SGI's heretical doctrines. Until the latter becomes the focus SGI will continue to turn people off to Nichiren's teachings -- and members will continue to believe that they are practicing Buddhism.

