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Sunday, November 19, 2017

"I guess I won't be joining SGI anytime soon.".

From: Date: Tue Dec 12, 2000 10:19am Subject: NYC Arts Division 

"Last night I went to the Arts Division Meeting in NYC. The head of the division, Buster Williams, gave this speech about destroying the Nikken sect. He quoted from the reformed priest guidance which has been circulating amongst SGI members in the form of an e-mail (I think it has been posted here before). He specifically quoted the experience of the woman overcoming cancer after chanting for Nikken's defeat. He used this experience to show the benefits one can receive for chanting for the destruction of the Nikken sect. He went on saying that SGI cannot let the Nikken sect be because Nikken is like a cancer. A cancer will destroy the body if it's not destroyed first so SGI must destroy Nikken. He also warned people who think that they are not effected by this cancer: "If you think you are not effected, you are the most effected." I have to say I was very disturbed by this speech, not only for the content but because it came from a world famous artist such as Buster Williams. I guess I won't be joining SGI anytime soon. After all, I am an artist in NY and I don't think I could endure much of this mentality should I belong to such an Arts Division." -- Marco 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder when the base minded ego battles waged between parent and child, Shoshu and Gakkai will be exposed. Neither engages in doctrinal debate as was Nichiren's tradition. Neither attacks the erroneous teachings of the other--No. theirs is solely a lower world struggle for dominance with the only goal being proliferation of their wealth and power.

    It is absurd that the SGI claims to be doing shakubuku-- rebuking slander as "followers of Nichiren" when they attack Nikken and NST. In actuality SGI and NST follow the same heretical doctrines-- minor differences in which person they choose to follow, and nothing of interest beyond decades of hideous name calling, pronouncements of doom and "prayers" for each other's total decimation. Buddhism, this is not.

