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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

“Shame on such monks (SGI leaders) ! — they will preach their own fictions.” -- Lotus Sutra

"First, religion needs to center on the human being. In the world of fundamentalism, abstract principles — creeds and beliefs — are treated as absolutes, while humans are seen as subordinate to these greater gods, ideas, and purposes." -- William Aiken SGI-USA top senior leader

Bill, you are going against the teaching of your Sensei who teaches that "the Soka Gakkai is more important than my life."

Jim Celer, another SGI senior leader, wrote that nothing is ceded from the Gohonzon (power of the Buddha and power of the Law) to the believer because all spiritual power derives from the faith and practice of the believer.

To demonstrate SGI's error, I turn to two fundamental principles of Buddhism, Dependent Origination and Ichinen Sanzen [Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment of Life]. 

These principles demonstrate that everything in the universe is inextricably connected to everything else. Therefore, not only does one's thoughts words and deeds affect ones own being but all beings both sentient and insentient and all phenomena equally affect us. This is the rational for chanting for other people's welfare, those dead and alive, praying for rain, good weather, lack of accidents etc. The environment equally has the power to influence us. Rainy days are gloomy or cause our joints to hurt, for example.

When examining one's own power compared to the power of the Buddha and Law, it is impossible to fail to acknowledge that our power alone is indeed limited. Whether in the religious or in the secular realm, a team can accomplish more than an individual and an individual with a tool can accomplish more than one without a tool. Were our power not limited, we could, by our own power, obtain Buddhahood but according to Nichiren Daishonin, we require both the help of others [the Buddha, the Law, and good friends in the dharma] and the hindrances of others [those who obstruct our faith and practice]. Believing that we can utilize our power alone to attain Buddhahood is a shallow mechanistic approach to Buddhism, denying others assistance and the utility of a tool. It also deprecates the Gohonzon thinking that the paper and ink of the object of devotion is inferior to the flesh and bones of the human being. In the secular realm, millions have given their lives for the sake of ink and paper, ie: for the Constitution of the United States. How much more so in the realm of Buddhism where the Law is supreme so the person is worthy of respect, not the other way around.


  1. "First, religion needs to center on the human being. In the world of fundamentalism, abstract principles — creeds and beliefs — are treated as absolutes, while humans are seen as subordinate to these greater gods, ideas, and purposes." -- William Aiken SGI-USA top senior leader

    I met and received "guidance" from Bill Aiken in 1999, well before he took on the appearance of a howdy doodie puppet! Bill claimed there was no reason to challenge or take issue with SGI leaders decisions and conduct, because, and I quote "Everyone gets saved in this Buddhism".-- "Go along to get along"-- the ends justify the means".
    What Bill means. I think, is that human beings are needed to financially support the style of living to which he and other select "Top" senior leaders have grown acustomed . To Bill, human beings should be told whatever makes them feel "good" enough to keep reaching into their pockets for the year long "May Contribution Activity" !

    Bill Aiken and his cohorts are populists who fawn over the forgotten masses while exploiting them for personal gain. (We are watching that play out since Trump somehow became the 45th POTUS. )

    Focusing on the "human being" was not Nichiren's lesson plan. Why? Because it was the Buddha who "saw the three worlds as they are" and perceived the pitiful state we would be in now, in the Latter Day of the Law. It was the Buddha, NOT a human being, who perceived our lack of capacity for wisdom and our karmically predisposed nature to be egocentric would destroy us. It was the Buddha, not a Human Being, who taught that "belief" and "faith" in his golden words would prove nearly impossible for out lot! ("there will be great hostility toward this teaching... making it hard to believe)" Nichiren tirelessly devoted himself to leading by example and documenting in detail the meaning of "belief" and "faith" in the Buddha's golden words. Indeed, Nichiren's life was evidence of the Buddha's own words.

    Schnucks like Bill Aiken can schmooze up their "subordinates", extolling their meager virtues and praising them to the hilt-- and yes that will line Top SGI Senior leader's pockets with members hard earned cash. .. But...That is not a violation of constitutional law. However, concealing the truth of the debt of gratitude we owe Shakaymuni Buddha is a violation of the Law that, Top Senior leader, Bill Aiken and co. commit with alacrity.

    The SGI's rags to riches lesson plan is for, about and from human beings "meager in virtue "--- seeking personal comfort and material gain. There is barely a mention of the Buddha, and thus no way for SGI members to know the truth about themselves.


    1. thank true and very funny..."howdy doodie". long time members are exhibiting a bazar aspect. mark should post the mccloskies recent facial rewards..ha !

    2. two of the funniest things in the ant running up an elephants leg with rape on its mind...and DR IKEDA...wonder how much he paid for that or who he had to blow !

      not fooling me !

    3. Who he had to blow? Put 2 and 2 together, and draw your own conclusions:

  2. Interesting observation Katie. Thanks for sharing.
