Monday, January 2, 2012

Zen Buddhism and the Soka Gakkai

“The fifth volume of Great Concentration and Insight states, “There is
a type called Zen men, but their masters and disciples are blind [to
the truth] and lame [in practice], and both masters and disciples will
fall into hell.” In the seventh volume we read: “[There are ten ways
necessary for understanding and practicing Buddhism correctly. Of
these, except one], the nine ways have nothing in common with the
ordinary priests of the world who concentrate on the written word, nor
do they have anything in common with the Zen masters who concentrate
on practice. Some Zen masters give all their attention to meditation
alone. But their meditation is shallow and false, totally lacking in
the nine ways. This is no empty assertion. Worthy persons of later
ages who have eyes to see will understand the truth of what I say.”

The seventh volume of On “Great Concentration and Insight” states: “
‘Priests who concentrate on the written word’ refers to men who gain
no inner insight or understanding through meditation, but concern
themselves only with characteristics of the doctrine. ‘Zen masters who
concentrate on practice’ refers to men who do not learn how to attain
the truth and the corresponding wisdom, but fix their minds on the
mere techniques of breath control. Theirs is the kind of [non-
Buddhist] meditation that fundamentally still retains outflows. ‘Some
Zen masters give all their attention to meditation alone’ means that,
for the sake of discussion, T’ien-t’ai gives them a certain degree of
recognition, but from a stricter viewpoint they lack both insight and
understanding. The Zen men in the world today value only meditation
[as the way to realize the truth] and have no familiarity with
doctrinal teachings. In relying upon meditation alone, they interpret
the sutras in their own way. They put together the eight errors and
the eight winds, and talk about the Buddha as being sixteen feet in
height. They lump together the five components and the three poisons,
and call them the eight errors. They equate the six sense organs with
the six transcendental powers, and the four elements with the four
noble truths. To interpret the sutras in such an arbitrary manner is
to be guilty of the greatest falsehood. Such nonsense is not even
worth discussing.” — The Opening of the Eyes

SGI members go to toso after toso, chanting one million Daimoku after
another, yet they sometimes assert that the prime point of the Lotus
Sutra is the M/D relationship or that the Lotus Sutra teaches
interfaith and other times they assert that the prime point of the
Lotus Sutra is the Buddha-nature possessed by all beings. They know
nothing of the doctrines contained in the 16th Chapter of the Lotus
Sutra and the Opening of the Eyes. They lack both insight and
understanding. In the end, they are guilty of the greatest falsehoods.

There are several reasons for the slanders and distortions which
characterize SGI’s teachings:

1). Except for Makiguchi, the SGI members have not experienced
martyrdom. They have had a relatively easy go with propagation and
have, on occassion, resorted to bullying tactics themselves, something
a Buddhist who has experienced severe persecutions first hand would
never resort to.
2). The way of the Samurai and Bushido [way of the warrior], remnants
of the retainer/lord relationship, the principle of saving face, and
the Zen Buddhist model of master/disciple relationship characterizes
the Soka Gakkai
3). Possibly the greatest digression from the Way of Buddha and
Nichiren Daishonin is the zennification of the SGI. The Buddha stated:
“be a lamp unto yourself” and the Buddha as well as the Daishonin
taught that we should follow the Law not persons. It should be obvious
that the SGI admonishment to seek guidance, going so far as having a
Guidance Division, is actual proof of this distortion. Those who
embrace the highest Law and the Supreme Object of Worship, need never
be exhorted to seek guidance and develop what is virtually a master/
disciple relationship with anyone, even one deemed a senior in faith.
In Zen Buddhism, whatever the master says is followed without
hesitation or question. In SGI, one often hears, “Follow no matter
what.” I have heard such arbitrary non-Buddhist opinions as, “‘If you
sincerely follow the guidance of your leaders, even if they are wrong,
you will gain tremendous benefit.” Such teachings are endemic in the
Soka Gakkai and in Zen. This is not the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of
Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin.

Even if the SGI were to adopt the Object of Worship of the Original
Doctrine and admit that the identity of the Original Eternal Buddha
was Lord Shakya, it will take many generations to purge the SGI of the
Way of the Samurai, Bushido values, the way of lords and retainers,
and the insidious master/disciple teachings of Zen.

The Lotus Sutra and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin trump the
worldly ephemeral successes of the two mentors. The ten million Soka
Gakkai converts by virtue of their false mistaken faith and practice,
based on the Taisekaji teachings mixed with value creationism, Yui
Yoga, and Bushido, have become demons who will destroy true Buddhism
in no time. Nichiren states in Happiness in This World:

“There is no true happiness other than upholding faith in the Lotus
Sutra. This is what is meant by “peace and security in their present
existence and good circumstances in future existences.””
He further states in Embracing the Lotus Sutra:

“Now, if you wish to attain Buddhahood, you have only to lower the
banner of your arrogance, cast aside the staff of your anger, and
devote yourself exclusively to the one vehicle of the Lotus Sutra.
Worldly fame and profit are mere baubles of your present existence,
and arrogance and prejudice are ties that will fetter you in the next
one. Ah, you should be ashamed of them! And you should fear them,

One million times zero equals zero. Since the Soka Gakkai rejects the
Lotus Sutra and Buddha Shakyamuni of the Juryo Chapter of the Lotus
Sutra, how can SGI member’s happiness be anything but an ephemeral
happiness? SGI members’ happiness is based on worldly fame and profit,
not unlike the zenmen. We hear over and over about what SGI, "achieved” 
but what did they really achieve? Nichiren states, quoting the Nirvana 

“Kashyapa, because [in the past] I devoted myself to the correct
teaching, I have been able to achieve this diamond-like body that
abides forever and is never destroyed.”

In the USA there are pehaps twenty or thirty million new evangelical
believers in the last ten years. They espouse great happiness but
Nichiren states, “because [in the past] I devoted myself to the
correct teaching…”

We must ask ourselves, are the Soka Gakkai teachings the correct
teachings? Is it correct to abandon Shakyamuni Buddha and the Lotus
Sutra? The ten million Soka Gakkai adepts faith and practice is based
on a dream, or should I say, a nightmare, the nightmare of the
Taisaekaji teachings expounded by Toda and Ikeda:

“…the Gohonzons that we recieve are also the living flesh
of the Original Buddha whose eyes have been opened according
to the principles of the actual Ichinen Sanzen in the passages
depths of the Juryo Chapter and the true attainment of Buddhahood
by plants and trees. Why would this very Gohonzon not be
the true aspect of the eye opening of wooden and painted images?
This is absolutely not found in the heretical sects outside of
Nichiren Shoshu, and is a profoundly secret doctrine which only
Nichiren Shoshu possesses.”– Daisaku Ikeda Soka Gakkai Daibyaku 

“….He knew all too well that the age of the Latter Day of the 
Law had already come, when prophecy foretold a decline in the 
power of Shakyamuni’s Buddhism; he knew it would have been
entirely inappropriateto bring back Shakyamuni’s Buddhism as 
a new set of beliefs. He was ableto bring the people a totally new 
kind of Buddhism because he was convinced of his identity and 
missions to save all people in the Latter Day of theLaw.” — 
Daisaku Ikeda (pg. 212 Selected Lectures on the Gosho)

The Lotus Sutra admonishes him:

“Shame on such monks! — they will preach their own fictions.”

And Nichiren states:

“I had gone to many centers of the religion during those twenty years,
in the quest of Buddhist truths. The final conclusion I arrived at was
that the truth of Buddhism must be one in essence. Many people lose
themselves in the labyrinth of learning and studies, through thinking
that every one of the diverse branches might help to the attainment of
Buddhist ideals.” — Works pp 1770-71

And again in Myoho Bikuni Go-henji:

“According to the Zen Sect, the true teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha
are not transmitted through sutras. They say that sutras including the 
LotusSutra are like a finger to point at the moon or a ferry to cross a 
river; and that it is no use after seeing the moon or crossing the river. 
Zen Buddhists say such a thing as they learned, without thinking what 
they say. But they are actually slandering Shakyamuni Buddha and 
preventingp ropagation of the Lotus Sutra. Thus, the people in this 
country are all committing a grave sin, more serious than the Five 
Evils, without realizing it.”

In Those Initially Aspiring to the Way, he writes:

“…As for other types of people, it would appear that, even if they
do not understand the meaning of the Lotus Sutra and are ignorant but
have earnest faith, then they will invariably be reborn in a pure
land. For it says in the Lotus Sutra, “They will be born in the
presence of the Buddhas of the ten directions,” and “She will
immediately go to the World of Peace and Delight.” These passages give
clear proof that one who has faith in the Lotus Sutra will be reborn
in a pure land.

Chapter 3 of the Lotus Sutra states:

“Whether during the Buddha’s lifetime
Or after his extinction
If there be any who slander
Such a sutra as this,
Who, seeing those who read and recite,
Write or hold this sutra, scorn and despise, hate and envy them
And bear them a tenacious grudge.
Concerning the recompense of such people’s sin,
After their lifetimes end
They will enter into the Avici hell.”

Although neither the evangelicals nor the SGI members have faith in
the Lotus Sutra, it is better to be an evangelical who doesn’t slander
the Lotus Sutra than an SGI member who slanders both the Lotus Sutra
and the true believers of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. Their holier than 
thou pronouncements based on the heretical SGI teachings are a castle 
built on sand.

As far as SGI’s assertions that the SGI teachings frees one from birth
and death, that is not possible if one is to believe Nichiren Daishonin
that the Lotus Sutra is the means:

“What I call the Heritage of the Great Thing Concerning Life and 
Death is nothing else than the Scripture, the Lotus of the Perfect 
Truth. Fo rthe Sacred Title of the Lotus was handed down from the 
two Buddhas, Sakyamuni and Prabhuta-ratna (Taho or “Many 
Treasures”), to the BoddhisattvaVisista-caritra (Jogyo or “Emminent 
Conduct”), when the Buddhas appeared in the Heavenly Shrine, and 
from eternity the heritage has been kept without interruption.”

In another writing, we read,

“Then to utter the Sacred Title of the Lotus with the conviction that
the three are one — the three, that is, Sakyamuni, the Buddha who from
eternity has realized Buddhahood; the Lotus Sutra, which leads all
beings without exception to Buddhahood; and we, beings in all the realms
of existence.”

How can you be one with Buddha Shakyamuni who from eternity has
realized Buddhahood if you reject Him? Chanting mechanical daimoku
with no so conviction in Shakyamuni is not the way to free oneself
from the fetters of birth and death.

On Establishing the Correct Teaching states;

“The host said: There are numerous passages that could be cited and a
wide variety of proofs. For example, in the Golden Light Sutra we
read: “[The four heavenly kings said to the Buddha], ‘Though this
sutra exists in the nation, its ruler has never allowed it to be
propagated. In his heart he turns away from it, and he takes no
pleasure in hearing its teachings. He neither makes offerings to
it, honors it, nor praises it. Nor is he willing to honor or make
offerings to the four kinds of Buddhists who embrace the sutra. In the
end, he makes it impossible for us and the other countless heavenly
beings who are our followers to hear this profound and wonderful
teaching. He deprives us of the sweet dew of its words and cuts us off
from the flow of the correct teaching, so that our majesty and
strength are drained away. Thus the number of beings who occupy the
evil paths increases, and the number who dwell in the human and
heavenly realms decreases. People fall into the river of the
sufferings of birth and death and turn their backs on the road to

The Selection of the Time states:

“The Buddha says determining the future, “Depend upon the teaching,
not upon the people. Bodhisattva Nagarjuna says, “If one depends upon
the scripture it is a correct argument; if one does not depend upon
the scripture it is an incorrect argument.” T’ien-t’ai says, “Again,
if it conforms to the scripture, quote and use it. If there is no
corresponding sentence or corresponding meaning, then one should not
believe and accept. ” Dengyo says, “Depend upon what the Buddha
taught, not upon the oral tradition.” If one follows these scriptures,
treatises and commentaries, then one should not base oneself on
dreams. Once should only treasure the passages in the scriptures and

Since the SGI abandons the scriptures, treatises, and commentaries,
what is it that they have faith in? The words and the oral teachings of 
Toda and Ikeda? I don’t see anything about a mentor being necessary 
for attaining Buddhahood nor that new car or raise.

Nichiren writes:

“The essential key to Nichiren’s disciples and followers is, namely,
adherence to the Lotus Sutra.”

The Lotus Sutra states:

“But if one, after the Buddha’s extinction,
In the midst of an evil world
is able to preach this sutra, this is indeed hard…..(LS Ch.11)

What the Soka Gakkai teaches is not “this Sutra”. 10,000,000
million SGI believers or 1,500,000,000 Muslims, are not equal to
one Nichiren believer that has faith in the golden words of the
Sutra. Most SGI members haven’t even read the Lotus Sutra. They 
go by the hearsay of the mentor, the Human Revolution, or the World 
Tribune. The SGI teachings on the Master-disciple relationship, value 
creation, receiving and giving guidance, no worth or role for solitary 
Bodhisattvas, the practice of shoju in this degenerate evil age, are all
hearsay and oral teachings which Nichiren completely rejected. How sad
for them. How sad that SGI members confuse Anger or Rapture for 

Nichiren states:

“Then what teaching should the country of Japan learn if its people
are to free themselves from the sufferings of birth and death? As for
this question, the Lotus Sutra states, “After the Thus Come One has
entered extinction, I will cause it [the Lotus Sutra] to be widely
propagated throughout Jambudvipa and will see that it never comes to
an end.”

Note, it doesn’t say to cause "Value Creationism”, “Human Revolution”, 
or“Taisekaji Mysticism” to spread.

In the Opening of the Eyes, we also read:

“It is also laid down that one should “rely on sutras that are
complete and final and not on those that are not complete and final.”
We must therefore look carefully among the sutras to determine which
are complete and final and which are not, and put our faith in the
former. Bodhisattva Nagarjuna in his Commentary on the Ten Stages
Sutra states, “Do not rely on treatises that distort the sutras; rely
on those that are faithful to the sutras.” The Great Teacher T’ien-
t’ai says, “That which accords with the sutras is to be written down
and made available. But put no faith in anything that in word or
meaning fails to do so.” The Great Teacher Dengyo says, “Depend upon
the preachings of the Buddha, and do not put faith in traditions
handed down orally.” Enchin, also known as the Great Teacher Chisho,
says, ‘In transmitting the teachings, rely on the written words [of
scriptures]. ‘”

SGI's relies on the inferior teaching of the Human Revolution, those 
Nichiren Shoshu teachings that distort the Sutra and the teachings of 
Nichiren Daishonin, they depend more on the preaching of Daisaku 
Ikeda than they do on the preachings of the Buddha and Nichiren 
Daishonin, and they hardly rely on the written words of the Sutra and 
Nichiren Daishonn. They are far more evil than the Zen men who 
make no pretense of practicing what the Buddha taught.


  1. this will all be a benefit and a blessing.

    greg romero

  2. "the heavenly devil hates the buddha's law, ant the non-buddhist believers resent the path of the buddhist teachings. but you must be like the golden mountain that glitters more brightly when scraped by the wild boar, like the sea that encompasses all the various streams, like the sea that encompasses all the various streams, like the fire that burns higher when logs are added, or like the kalakula insect that grows bigger when the wind blows. if you follow such examples, then how can the outcome fail to be good?(wnd134)
