Friday, June 28, 2013

Begging the question, Rory's logical fallacy

"In Kempon Hokke We can be friends with lots of people of many faiths and Buddhist sects, we just don't pray with them. Besides how would these people even learn about the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren if we didn't talk about it?"

It is not a matter of speaking of the teachings but how, where, and with whom. Nichiren stated that Hei-no-seimon was his best friend in the world and Devedatta was Sakyamuni's Buddha's best friend. He also stated that good friends in the Dharma are our true treasure. Conversely, he states:

"And yet women throughout Japan, unaware of the ignorance of their own minds, think that Nichiren, who can save them, is their foe, and mistake the Nembutsu, Zen, Precepts, and True Word priests, who are in fact deadly enemies, for good friends and teachers."

He also taught that there are some people to avoid, to tell them strictly, "you should rather admonish yourself than me" and then get up and leave without further discussion.

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