"In Kempon Hokke We can be friends with lots of people of many faiths and Buddhist sects, we just don't pray with them. Besides how would these people even learn about the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren if we didn't talk about it? Also as laypeople we're not required to do shakabuku, that's the priests' responsability. So our job is to pratice and study, if we want to tell our friends more that's great; just don't tell them they're going to avici hell! Lol...I'm kidding but you get my point." -- Future American Kempon Hokke priest.
"Among the disciples of the school of Nichiju, nobody should be chosen, directly or indirectly as an heir disciple. However, anybody among the priests or the laymen of my congregation that spreads the teaching in Kyoto and swears that other sects are the root of all evils and that only the Hokke Sect makes us enter Nirvana can be my disciple. And if candidates are equally gifted, they should propagate during the summer, practicing in turn. You should consider a person who spreads the teaching like this as the true disciple of Nichiju and Nichiren Shonin. So in the days to come, this shall be my will." -- Nichiju
tsk tsk tsk...Now who is more SGI-like? The new NEW Kempon Hokke or the Jumonryu Kempon Hokke of Nichiju? The reality is that the new NEW Kempon Hokke is all about money and power, exactly like the Soka Gakkai.
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