Sunday, June 16, 2013

Response to Masaru part 2

Masaru: 3) You seem to view martyrdom - actually a means to an end - as the highest calling in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. This is completely illogical, perhaps even fanatical. You seem to view extreme persecution and the suffering that comes along with it as an end to itself rather than a means to spread the teaching during extreme circumstances. I don't think getting ourselves killed for the Dharma is the highest calling of Buddhism, nor does anything that Nichiren or Shakyamuni have left us indicate to me that we should measure our spiritual progress exclusively by how much we are reviled and abused.

Mark: Actually, I follow the Lotus Sutra Chapter 13 in particular and Nichiren Daishonin on such matters:

Masaru: The tradition describes votaries as being abused for standing up for the teaching against persecution, not individuals seeking out conflict. As far as I can tell, you seem to interpret the scriptures of our tradition as calling for the latter.

Mark: Nichiren wasn't seeking out conflict when he gave his first sermon raking Nembutsu over the coals. But he knew it was coming: "But once a person of forceful character has come forward to make this sutra passage known in a bold and uncompromising fashion, then grave matters are certain to occur."  Likewise, I am not seeking conflict but fully expect that it will occur.



  1. SGI says that they are following Nichiren Daishonin, like you. As I told you, there is not two different Gosho, but there are two different interpretations. Therefore, even if you say that you are following Nichiren, you are not always correct, like SGI.

  2. Secret esoteric mumbo jumbo that "only I know the truth, follow me". You are no different than Ikeda and the High Priest of the Nichiren Shoshu in this regard.. The transmission is Through the Scrolls of the Sutra, not through any one or several individuals.

  3. i agree. no half practicing the teachings.

    h g lamont called you out on all this 2 years ago. did he have a good reason?

    to compare mark to the sgi is insane.

  4. You, too. Therefore, we need the school which kept hard study. Therefore, we follow right priests who were supported by a lot of intelligent and famous people. Therefore, I make efforts to spread the right doctrine.

    I am very disappointed that you call me the same Ikeda.

  5. Countless people study the Lotus Sutra, the ten divisions of the Sutras, and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin but not even in one case out of ten million is it found one that practices as the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren instruct. We, the true spiritual descendants of the old Jumonryu [followers of Nichiju] will be the one case out of ten million, whether or not you choose to be our priest.
