Soon, the only fundamentalist followers of Nichiren in this 21st century will die off with not one youth [as of this moment] to take over the mantle. Ordinarily this would be a sad thing, an unfortunate thing, a bad thing. However, thanks to Nichiren Daishonin who has left behind his relics [writings] for the people of the Latter Day, one after another youth will read the Kaimoku Sho, Kanjin Honzon Sho, the Hoon Sho, the Senji Sho, and the Rissho Ankoku Ron and will adopt Nichiren's manner for spreading, upholding, and preserving the teachings.
Do you know what we say to our detractors? "It is you, not we, who are destined for the Avici Hell. Furthermore, for criticizing the true votaries who refuse to alter a dot of the teachings, not only are you certain to fall into hell after you die but you are already there. What a pity. What a shame."
yup ! there is either faith or no faith.