Thursday, July 11, 2013

Just saying

Win Spirit was created by [and is] James Trail.

How come SGI members discount my commentary on SGI but I know more about SGI than the SGI members themselves? Not complaining for two reasons: 1). "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" what they think because only what the Lotus Sutra [Shakyamuni Buddha] and Nichiren say [and think] has any meaning to me; and "just saying".

1 comment:

  1. Contrary to what Don Gropp says, James has not posted daily and continuously for 14 years. He has taken "vacations" from time to time. But indeed, I hope nothing has happened to him because there is no more zealous son of the Gakkai. However, for making so many bad causes, I fear for his future existences.
