Sunday, September 15, 2013

Daisicko Ikeda's teachings lead to the Avici Hell

"In other words, Shakyamuni's true identity is that of the Buddha who attained enlightenment in the distant past, in the time of gohyaku-jintengo. Since his true identity was not revealed anywhere in pre-Lotus Sutra teachings or in the theoretical teaching (first half) of the Lotus Sutra, it is called "hidden" (hi). And because it is known only to the Buddha, it is described as "intimate" (mitsu). This is the secret that Shakyamuni at last clarifies and reveals in the "Life Span" chapter.

The phrase "his transcendental powers" refers to the various aspects and functions that the Buddha who attained enlightenment in the remote past manifests in order to guide people and bring them benefit. In the "Life Span" chapter, Shakyamuni explains that ever since he first attained Buddhahood, he has been appearing in various lands as various Buddhas, expounding a variety of teachings and carrying out various actions to lead people to enlightenment.

In other words, "the Thus Come One's secret" indicates the Buddha who attained enlightenment in the remote past, and "his transcendental powers" indicates his activities to eternally lead people to happiness.

From this standpoint, all Buddhas are nothing but "functions" of the Buddha who attained enlightenment in the remote past. In the context of the sutra, therefore, the Buddha who attained enlightenment in the remote past is the "true Buddha," while all other Buddhas, who are functions of this Buddha, are "provisional Buddhas." Provisional, here, means "shadow" or "vestige."

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Is the Original Identity of All Buddhas

By contrast, from the standpoint of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, we interpret "the Thus Come One's secret and his transcendental powers" as alluding to the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the ultimate cause behind the Buddha's enlightenment in the remote past. A state of life enlightened to Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the original identity of all Buddhas. This state of life itself is both the essence of Buddhahood and the life of the true Buddha. From the standpoint of the Daishonin's Buddhism, the "true Buddha" is the Buddha of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, that is, the "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Thus Come One."

"The Thus Come One's secret," therefore, refers to the "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Thus Come One." And the functions of Shakyamuni, the Buddha who attained enlightenment in the remote past, to eternally lead people to enlightenment are ultimately the functions of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This is the meaning of "his transcendental powers" from the Daishonin's standpoint.

Accordingly, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the true Buddha. And by contrast, Shakyamuni, Taho and all other Buddhas are provisional Buddhas who manifest functions of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo." -- Daisicko Ikeda

From the standpoint of SGI Buddhism and the forged Ongi Kuden and True Aspect of All Phenomena, not Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism based on the Lotus Sutra

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