Sunday, September 15, 2013

The SGI and their low life conditioned mentor versus the Lotus Sutra

"Shariputra, ever since I attained Buddhahood I have through various causes and various similes widely expounded my teachings and have used countless expedient means to guide living beings and cause them to renounce their attachments."-- Lotus Sutra Chapter 2

"In terms of the Daishonin's Buddhism, therefore, the phrase "cause them to renounce their attachments" should be interpreted as meaning "cause them to become enlightened concerning their attachments." It's not a matter of eradicating attachments but of seeing them clearly. In other words, rather than causing us to abandon our earthly desires and attachments, our Buddhist practice enables us to discern their true nature and utilize them as the driving force to become happy." -- Daisaku Ikeda

Whenever you hear an SGI leader or member say "He [the Buddha] means", "It [Lotus Sutra]  means". or Nichiren Daishonin means", you may be sure, you may be absolutely certain, that the Buddha, Lotus Sutra, and Nichiren Daishonin mean exactly as they state and the low life conditioned Gakkai leaders are hell bent on undermining Nichiren Daishonin's Lotus Sutra Buddhism. 

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