Monday, October 28, 2013

Why stupid persons hate Nichiren and his followers

"And so, when I, neither hesitating to speak out nor fearing others, tell them frankly that they are stupid persons who have misunderstood the true meaning of the Buddhist teachings, and that they are slanderers of the Law; when I deliver a sharp rebuke to them, mindful of the Buddha’s golden words "then that monk is betraying Buddhism" and trusting in the passage of scripture that reads, "We will be envoys of the World Honored One, facing the assembly without fear"; when I do this, censuring those who "suppose they have attained what they have not attained, being proud and boastful in heart," then how can they fail to turn upon me with hatred and jealousy?"(The Teachings in Accordance With the buddha's Mind). 

"Although I try to point out that this country is full of people who would like to do away with the Lotus Sutra, no one understands me, and so they merely go on committing errors of stupidity. And now, in addition, a votary of the Lotus Sutra has made his appearance, so that the people of Japan, on top of their stupidity, give way to anger, favoring erroneous teachings and viewing the correct teaching with hatred. In a country where the three poisons [of greed, anger and stupidity] prevail to such a degree, how can there be peace and stability?" (The Bodies and Minds of Ordinary Beings). 

"And yet, the people of today, both the distinguished and the lowly, look with contempt upon Shakyamuni Buddha, their father in the present world, and instead revere Amida or Dainichi, who are strangers to them, persons with whom they have no connection at all. In doing so, are they not lacking in filial piety? Are they not slanderers of the Law? When I say this, however, all the people of Japan join together in reviling me. 

And it is quite natural that they should, for the crooked piece of wood hates the straightness of the carpenter’s string, and the dishonest man is not pleased with the honest administration of government." (The Teaching In Accordance with the Buddha's Mind) 

"However, because there was no one who understood this situation, it has been impossible to remedy it. I am generally aware of these matters, and therefore try to repay the debt of gratitude I owe my country [by speaking the truth], but people only hate me for it." (White Horses and White Swans). 

Makiguchi and Toda were martyred for refusing the Shinto Talisman, not for opposing the war

Article by Guna

In 1941, Soka Kyoiku Gakkai issued their first monthly periodical, Kachi Sozo.
The Japanese nation, unable to extricate herself from the prolonged
Sino-Japanese conflict, was on the verge of entering another new war against the
joint forces of the USA & England. It was a period of mounting tension, for in
December of that same year, the Pacific War was to begin. The prewar Japanese
society under the militaristic government brought unwanted pressure upon the
lives of the Japanese people all the more. A thought-control policy was rigidly
imposed; even religions and ideologies were increasingly subjected to strict
control. The philosophical thoughts of Soka Kyoiku Gakkai were of no exception;
they, too, were rapidly turning into those of extremely militaristic outlook,
reflecting the social background of this age.

Today Soka Gakkai & SGI are desperately trying to conceal their wartime record,
doing their utmost best and expending every means available to distort their
past militaristic attitude. They attempt to project the image of the eternal
peace-loving humanitarian group, and on every occasion everywhere, they loudly
publicized their 'anti-war, culture, education, and humanisrri stance as if they
have always been staunchly in favor of them. Yet the reality indicates
differently. The historical and documented facts can not be easily expunged nor
erased from the records.
Mr. Tsunesaburo Maki uchi's remarks, carefully documented in the 'Corrobo- rate
Records of Life based on the Philosophy of Value of the Supreme Goodness
published on August l0th,1942, under the heading, "The Instruction Manual Sum-
marizing the Experiments and Testimonials of Life based on the Philosophy of
Value of the Supreme Goodness," substantiate their militaristic viewpoint:
"'Sacrifice your own skin to slash the opponent's flesh. Surrender your own
flesh to saw off the opponent's bone.' With their faithful implementation of
this well-known Japanese fencing (kendo) strategy into actual practice during
the war, the Japanese military is able to achieve her glorious, ever-victorious
invincibility in the Sino-Japan conflict and in the Pacific war, and thus,
easing the minds of the Japa- nese people. This [strategy of sacrifice] should
be held as an ideal lifestyle for those remaining on the home front and should
be applied in every aspect of our daily life.
The same manual also contains a report on the agenda for the 4th Soka Kyoiku
Gakkai General Meeting held on May l7th,1942 at Hitotsubashi Kyoiku Kaikan in
Kanda, Tokyo as follows:
"... (Omission)... Approximately four hundred members were present. At 10
o'clock a.m., facing toward the Imperial Palace,.a silent prayer for the war
casualties was offered. The meeting proceeded according to the agenda. In
another room, the Sobi Kado Kai, the Flower Arrangement Society, whose principle
guidelines for in- structions are based on the theory of Value-Creation, held a
flower arrangement ex- hibition. There was also a display of various prizes
awarded to children educated under the same guiding pedagogical method. This
greatly impressed all those in attendance, further increasing their appreciation
of their own life based on the mer its of the doctrine of'faith equals daily
life.' Immediately after concluding the General Meeting proceedings, Director
Toda was nominated to chair the discussion meet- ing which followed with all the
participants attending. Personal testimonials were given on the topic of "How to
Establish Faith in One's Daily Life." After this, there was a very serious,
intense question and answer session. Director Iwasaki spoke next with his
closing speech, and lastly, President Makiguchi led three cheers of "Banzai"
("Long Live the Emperor") for His Majesty the Emperor. The meeting ended shortly
after 4 p.m."
The Opening Address - by Director Nojima
"Since the start of the Great East Asia Co-Prosperity War, the brilliant
military achievements and glorious war results [of the Japanese military] are
due to the fact that the Lotus Sutra is the guardian spirit of our country.
After listening to the reas- suring news of the string of great victories
broadcasted on the radio last evening, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and ever
more appreciative of being able to open the meeting today." The Closing Speech -
by Director Iwasaki
"What is the usual state of life in this mundane world? Life itself is a heavy
chain, hopelessly in bondage to individualism, the intrigues, the jealousies,
the re- jections, the illusions and the insecurities. We, however, are not, in
the least, fettered by any of these bonds. When I think about this blessed
state, I believe we have already won the victorious battles in the struggle for
the Great East Asia Co-Prosper- ity War. As one member of the divine Japanese
Empire's civilian front, I am fully aware of our one great mission, which we are
held accountable. It is the most natu- ral duty as patriots to generate
industrialization, to offer our professional skills and abilities, to save our
money and savings, and to lead a life of simplicity and thrifti- ness.
Nevertheless, if there is one member of Soka Kyoiku Gakkai who thinks he has
fulfilled his patriotic duty as a member of the civilian home front by merely
carrying out the above sacrifices, then he is gravely mistaken. What then is our
true mission? It is, without exception, to conduct shakubuku. Through our
shakubuku, we teach others and spread this life of happiness to the general
society. When all insecurities, illusions, jealousies, rejections, chains and
fetters in this world have dissipated, at that time, an indestructible home
front will be constructed. This civilian front will never surrender, fighting
till the bitter end to establish the Great East Asia Co-Pros- perity Sphere no
matter how long it may take."
These wartime remarks by the members of Soka Kyoiku Gakkai are a far cry from
their "anti-war' and "peace-loving" stance the Gakkai so vehemently claim they
are and have always been in the past."
Only after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki did Toda become a pacifist.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

DaiGohonzon hoax and Nichiren Shoshu hucksters

"Establishing the Dai-Gohonzon of the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teachings was the purpose for the Buddha's advent, as he stated in Hokke Shoshin Jobutsu Sho [On Persecutions Befalling the Buddha]" --  Lying Nichiren Shoshu adept

The DaiGohonzon as Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant [according to the Bible of Shakubuku]

"Think of the example of an electric light. Assuming of course that
the light bulb itself is not burned out, no bright light will shine
forth from an electric light to which the electricity does not flow
because of a blown fuse, no matter how many times one turns on the
switch. Even though the light bulb itself works fine, without
electricity, the light will not shine. Accordingly, those who do not
worship the Dai-Gohonzon of Fuji Taisekiji are slanderers." (Shakubuku
Kyoten, [Shakubuku Manual], p. 339)

More on the Shakubuku Kyoten [The SGI Bible of Shakubuku]

Today, the Gakkai repudiates the Nichiren Shoshu doctrine of The Bequeathal  to One Sole Individual which was heavily promoted in their Bible of Shakubuku, yet they still embrace the Nichiren Shoshu doctrine of Shakyamuni as provisional Buddha contrary to the teachings of the Daishonin. A strange bunch are they.

Why SGI members are deprived of the Shakubuku Kyoten [Bible of Shakubuku]

"The Daishonin's soul would never reside within a Gohonzon he inscribed but which is in the possession of those who commit the slander of turning their backs upon Fuji Taisekiji."  Soka Gakkai Shakubuku Kyoten, p. 340

Because the Shakubuku Kyoten both supports the Nichiren Shoshu and denounces the Soka Gakkai's own actions as heresies.

More Nichiren Shoshu/SGI mumbo jumbo

62. What is the meaning behind "sanction"?
In general, "sanction" means that the master gives his sanction to a
disciple's enlightenment.  In Nichiren Shoshu, the object of worship
that forms the basis of faith and practise is the Original Buddha's
enlightenment and is the entity of the Buddha, so sanction for the
Gohonzon itself is absolutely necessary.  According to Nichiren Shoshu,
the sanctioning of the object of worship by the High Priest, who is the
only person to be bequeathed the Daishonin's Buddhism, is what makes
the attainment of Buddhahood possible, so an object of worship that
does not have the High Priest's sanction is a "counterfeit object of
worship" and worshipping it becomes the cause for falling into hell.
It is also written in the Soka Gakkai "Shakubuku Kyoten (Shakubuku
"In light of passages from 'On the Three Great Secret Laws' and 'The
True Object of Worship,' it is clearly understood that it is a
tremendous mistake to worship an unsanctioned object of worship."  (p.
[c. 1996, Nichiren Shoshu Temple]

Josei Toda on our "worthless" Gohonzons

"We, ourselves, cannot produce the Gohonzon. Since it's the
> >> enlightened entity of Nichiren Daishonin **no one** has the
> >> authority other than the successive high priests who have
> >> been the sole heirs to the heritage of the True Law. We
> >> take no part in this. Therefore, the objects   of worship
> >> inscribed by those in the Butsuryu and Minobu factions
> >> [of the Nichiren sect] are  absolutely powerless. They are
> >> worthless because they are fake. In fact, they contain the
> >> power of evil spirits. That is why they are dangerous."
> >> Josei Toda, Daibyaku Renge, 98, p. 98.

From the Kitano memo

"Somebody goes over to Danto and starts a point, but we do nothing. A line or Danto group starts and we do nothing. It then increases- regional, registered by law - and if we still do nothing then a Temple will be built. 
Sensei says: "If you challenge evil, then you must decide the time and the place to destroy evil". Basically: Choose the 'place' while it is still relatively small, and this applies equally to the 'time', ie the time to attack is Now."
"In order to destroy the overseas strategies of the Nikken sect, I want to make a suggestion to all the representatives that we start a special SGI campaign against the Nikkensect starting today to last until the end of the Tozan of 100,000 people."-- Kitano memo

Kinder gentler Sensei: "We must resolutely crush them"

"On the other hand, it is the members of the priesthood today that have become "devils" and "those in league with devils" who seek to halt the flow of kosen-rufu and who are destroying Buddhism. They are enemies of kosen-rufuand enemies of Buddhism who seek to render the Buddha's words meaningless.
"For this reason, we must resolutely crush [Bokumetsu] them. Between the Buddha and devilish functions, there is no middle ground. If we fail to fight, or if our effortsare only half-hearted, then we will become allies of these devilish functions." May 23, 1993 speech by Daisaku Ikeda, Kyushu Ikeda Auditorium, Fukuoka City, Japan World Tribune, June 28, 1993 (p.4)

Soka Gakkai's more conciliatory demeanor

Source unknown...
The following incidents have been reported in the news in
recent years:
Feb.10, 1962, Asahi Shinbun: Sixty-eight Soka Gakkal youth
with saws and pliers entered a Buddhist cemetery at midnight
on February 10, broke down barricades set up by the Buddhist
Association of the village, and routed the policemen in
order to conduct a burial for the father of one Wakameda
Kushiro (age 45) in Karasuyama, Tochigi Prefecture. Priest
Iso of the Jchijum Temple of the Shingon Denomination told
the police that Kushiro had been refused burial rights at
the oemetery since his lease on the family plot had expired
and since seven years before he had joined Soka Gakkai and
withdrawn from the denomination which owned the burial
April 23, 1962, Asahi Shinbun: Mrs. Sui Tamura (age 56) was
beaten over the head and bruised about the face by her son
in the latter's fanatic effort to destroy the family
Buddhist altar 'and convert his mother to faith in Soka
Gakkai. Fleeing her son and daughter-in-law the mother
sought asylum at the local police station at 11:00 pm., on
April 21. The incident took place in a village called Seiro
in Nligata Prefecture.
October 27, 1964, Asahi Shinbun: Tadashi Fujiwara (age 33)
was arrested on a murder charge after being apprehended at
an inn in Okayama where he had been staying for several
days. Himself a Soka Gakkai member, it is reported that he
became angry at the incessant noise created by two Soka
Gakkai men in an adjoining room and attacked them with a
butcher knife. Another Soka Gakkai man entered the fight,
and Fujiwara injured all three of them seriously, one of
them dying later in the hospital.
December 11, 1964, Nagasaki Shinbun: Momosuke Maeda, of
Sasebo, registered a complaint against Soka Gakkai members
of the 99th District for their excessive intimidation of his
daugter (age 19) who had just got o'it of the sickbed. It
appears that first she had been persuaded by two school
friends to attend a meeting where she was the target of
browbeating by eleven members at once and told that if she
did not convert she would never find happiness, but if she
converted she was certain to pass the examination at the
beautician school for a national license. When she refused,
her signature stamp was affixed to an application for
membership against her will.
March 19, 1965, Osaka Shin Yukan: In Tottori an injunction
was issued against a nurse in the local hospital on the
charge that in her fanatical attempt to convert a patient
she had neglected to report his physical condition to the
doctor in time to save him from dying.
March 30, 1965, Hokkaido Shinbun: A youth, Teruo Suzuki (age
23), who was employed in a factory for the manufacture of
automobile interiors, in Obihiro, was arrested by the police
on the charge of arson. Upon his own confession it appears
that he had set fire to the house of a party whom he had
tried to convert to Soka Gakkai but had failed. In his
effort to convert the prospect he is said to have
threatened, "If you don't convert your house will catch
It is interesting to see that effort is being made to
mitigate the effect of such publicity on would-be converts.
For foreign readers of Soka Gakkai English publications, the
term shakubuku itself is redefined to help the image:
Shakubuku means to introduce the teachings of Nichiren
Daishonin to non-believers by relating the divine benefits
of faith. It aims at achieving people's happiness, a
prosperous society and world peace. . . . Disregarding its
different shades of meaning, people have interpreted
Shakubuku as something like "break and subdue." Thus, they
have misjudged the Sokagakkai's propagation activities as
coercive or even violent. Such a misunderstanding is quite
However, conversion through these high-pressure methods
oftentimes is extremely superficial. Though an individual
sometimes joins to put a stop to the nagging of a friend, he
may try to withdraw the commitment when the pressure is off.
But superstition and fear of divine punishment are employed
to keep a new member from falling away.
Hobobarai means, literally, "sweeping out all the slanderers
of the Dharma." To "slander the Dharma" is to commit the
unpardonable sin of Buddhism. Specfically hobobarai means
to remove, forcibly or otherwise, the talisman and amulets
connected with the worship of Shinto kami and to destroy
statues and icons of any alien faith.
In Fukushima Prefecture, Ishikami Mura, a group of seven
Soka Gakkai men tore down a Kannon temple building and
burned the image. Several men entered a Christian church in
Aomori Prefecture, and, when the minister would not convert,
took his Bible and beat it on the floor. A man came home one
day to his house on the island of Mukaishirna to discover
that his wife had thrown into the ocean a Buddhist altar
which had been in his family for several generations. He
left her immediately and instituted divorce proceedings. In
November, 1964, three young men approached a housewife in
her home when her husband was away on a business trip. The
woman responded that she might perhaps be interested but
that she wanted to talk it over with her husband. This
encouraged the young men to press their advantage, and they
made their way into the interior of the home, seized the
Shinto and Buddhist worship objects which they found in the
altar, and burned them.
In Nemuro, Hokkaido, on Christmas day, 1964, a man and his
wife and two other adults, all members of Soka Gakkai,
called on a friend whose husband was in the hospital.
According to the report the wife, after four hours of
browbeating, finally signed her name to the roll. No sooner
had she registered than the four callers began to rip out
all the paraphernalia from the altar and god shelf,
and burned it in the stove. The wife protested, saying that
these things belonged to her mother, but her visitors
insisted that the burning of the icons of false religions
was her flrst act in her new faith.
Such is the fervor of Soka Gakkai's iconoclasm.
The truth of the matter is that Soka Gakkai leaders have
never been happy about the public image that fanatical
members especially young member have created, and they have
consciously sought to change this image and gain as much
respectability as possible for their organization. One way
to achieve this, of course, is to persuade the press not to
publish unfavorable reports, and it is understood that this
has been done. The general director of a leading literary
journal told this author in an interview that Soka Gakkai was
"quite noisy" about unsolicited news coverage in the secular
press. It is easy to understand how a newspaper with a
national circulation would be wary of offending a potential
reading public of several million! Perhaps this may account
for the "silent press . . . created during the last eight
years," about which Kiyoaki Murata wrote in the Japan Times
(June 11, 1964).
However, in spite of recent indications of a more
conciliatory attitude, Soka Gakkai continues to be
intolerant of all other religions. On this point there is no
evidence of any change of heart.
The Shakubuku Kyoten (Manual on Forced Conversions) is Soka
Gakkai's indispensable guide for conversion activity. In
this one volume the member is given all that is considered
necessary concerning the teachings of his own faith, as well
as the essential characteristics of all other religions (in
the area of interest of the Japanese). The points most
vulnerable to attack in other religions are listed, and the
faithful member has them all on the tip of his tongue. It is
interesting for members of other faiths to talk to a number
of members in entirely different situations and listen to
them voicing the same criticisms. If the conversation
advances one step beyond what they have been taught from the
manual they are lost. It is a most sobering experience for a
Christian, such as the writer, to discover that apparently
the sum total of all that these people know about
Christianity is what is presented in their Shakubuku Kyoten.
Probablyy the followers of other religious faiths feel the
same way.

Testimony of Ms. Tomiko Terada

Testimony of Ms. Tomiko Terada

The following is the personal account of Ms. Tomiko Terada. 
She testified against Daisaku Ikeda May 23, 1984. Her
testimony was published in the Weekly Shincho, July 12, 
1984. Ms. Terada was a senior leader of Soka Gakkai from early
on and witnessed numerous incidents involving Daisaku Ikeda.
 Ms. Terada:
I entered the faith of Nichiren Shoshu in 1953. My mother was
a member of Daijoji Temple. One day when we went to the
temple a person suggested to her and me that we join a group
started by Josei Toda. My mother joined the Gakkai first, then
my family and I joined. In Shikoku Island we were the first group
of Gakkai members. In 1959, I became the women's
division leader of Kochi (city) Chapter. That was exactly one
year before Daisaku Ikeda became president of the Soka
Gakkai. We were crazily doing shakubuku and promoting election
campaigns for members of the L.D.P. (Liberal Democratic
Party). (Ikeda's guidance was that Soka Gakkai and the L.D.P.
would work together for their future.)
Impoverished Members
On average, members of the Gakkai were from the lower
classes of society and didn't have any money to speak of. After
they joined the Gakkai, they were promised material "benefits."
The Gakkai then took advantage of them and tried to sell
them all sorts of things. Of course, multiple copies of the
newspaper were forced on them, but then books such as
"Shakubuku Bible" and "Human Revolution" -- five or ten
copies each!
The Gakkai coerced them to buy more than was reasonable.
Expenditures of five or six hundred dollars were not uncommon.
These were people with no money to begin with. My family
was a little better off as we operated a publishing business so we
could pay for others when they didn't have the money. Members
were reduced to cutting their diet and expenditures in half to
get the money needed for buying all the books and things. It was
truly a case of "one person one candle" at night. But, how
do you think the Gakkai would explain these "fund drives"?
They would say it was for the "Toda Memorial Community
Center" or a "community center for the headquarters." We were
told "President Ikeda was building these by himself and we
had the opportunity to request that we be allowed to make an
offering." I thought these explanations were a bit peculiar.
Here, I would like to talk a little about the activities of women
in the Gakkai. On average, the women's division chief in each
chapter handles the accounting of money collected. In the
Gakkai, the women do just about everything from shakubuku to
activities. There is one activity called "jump-in shakubuku"
where we suddenly push our way into someone's home and
attempt to convert the person. We often do this to an acquaintance
of someone. The individual is caught off guard and
surprised. We continue to visit the individual for three or four
days. Meanwhile, a member of our group who took off work to
participate ends up getting fired. There are many people like this.
Then, someone from the headquarters comes and tells the
person that "because of her weak faith she got fired," or some
such nonsense.

SGI's Ikeda Center Boston in light of the Lotus Sutra and teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, a brief analysis

Let's look, ponder, and analyze their "forums, themes, and thinkers" series as well as their peace, culture, and education videos in light of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. Can we find one mention of Namu Myoho renge kyo, Gohonzon, or Kaiden? Can we find one instance of remonstrance of Christianity, Provisional Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, or Judiasm? Can we find one mention of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin in the millions of words written and spoken?

They are putting the cart before the horse. Even a six year old is aware of the problems facing humanity. Efforts to create awareness of the problems is hardly the means to eradicating them, let alone lamenting about humanity's lack of awareness. Nichiren Daishonin teaches:

But despite all these efforts, they merely exhaust themselves in vain. Famine and epidemics rage more fiercely than ever, beggars are everywhere in sight, and scenes of death fill our eyes. Corpses pile up in mounds like observation platforms, and dead bodies lie side by side like planks on a bridge.

Nichiren goes on to say:

I have pondered the matter carefully with what limited resources I possess, and have looked a little at the scriptures for an answer. The people of today all turn their backs upon what is right; to a person, they give their allegiance to evil. This is the reason that the benevolent deities have abandoned the nation and departed together, that sages leave and do not return. And in their stead devils and demons come, and disasters and calamities occur. I cannot keep silent on this matter. I cannot suppress my fears.

Nichren then cites the Golden Light Sutra [of course, referring to the Lotus Sutra]:

The host said: There are numerous passages that could be cited and a wide variety of proofs. For example, in the Golden Light Sutra we read: “[The four heavenly kings said to the Buddha], ‘Though this sutra exists in the nation, its ruler has never allowed it to be propagated. In his heart he turns away from it, and he takes no pleasure in hearing its teachings. He neither makes offerings to it, honors it, nor praises it. Nor is he willing to honor or make offerings to the four kinds of Buddhists who embrace the sutra. In the end, he makes it impossible for us and the other countless heavenly beings who are our followers to hear this profound and wonderful teaching. He deprives us of the sweet dew of its words and cuts us off from the flow of the correct teaching, so that our majesty and strength are drained away. Thus the number of beings who occupy the evil paths increases, and the number who dwell in the human and heavenly realms decreases. People fall into the river of the sufferings of birth and death and turn their backs on the road to nirvana.

Yet, the advocates of Ikedaism council:

Dr. Ikeda recalled Dewey's assertion that it is “the religious” rather than any specific religion that is of importance and noted that “the religious” is not a species of dogma, but rather a quality that can permeate experiences of many types, including those that are aesthetic, educative, and even political. It was in this connection that Dr. Ikeda associated the long-term viability of any form of religious expression with the degree to which it is capable of balancing and harmonizing internal and external forces in ways that promote positive social change. -- Larry Hickman

Nichiren then reiterates [and might well be speaking about the leaders of the Soka Gakkai such as Richard Yoshimachi, Virginia Straus, Mitch Bogen, Shirley Chandl, Jeff Farr, Masahiro Hagiya, Elizabeth King, Kevin Maher, Masao Yakota, Beth Zimmerman, and especially Daisaku Ikeda]: 

...Outwardly they will seem to be wise and good, but within they will harbor greed and jealousy. [And when they are asked to preach the teachings, they will say nothing,] like Brahmans who have taken a vow of silence. They are not true monks—they merely have the appearance of monks. Consumed by their erroneous views, they slander the correct teaching.”

When we look at the world in the light of these passages of scripture, we see that the situation is just as they describe it. If we do not admonish the evil priests, how can we hope to do good?

Miranda Kerr's and Orlando Bloom's "Family Revolution"

Is SGI "family revolution" the dissolution of their marriage or was it their weak or incorrect faith, weak practice, failure to follow their mentor's guidance, or moral turpitude? Either way, the bottom line is, there is no actual proof in the Ikeda faith.

Let us chant for the Fukushima nuclear plant workers whose lifespans will be cut short by decades for $12.00/hr

Many of these unfortunate people are homeless inner city poor. Few are experienced and even fewer are educated. Their Yakuza bosses often steal up to two thirds of their salaries. How many of their supervisors are Soka University graduates?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Let us look at some passages from SGI's slanderous Bible of Shakubuku

SGI Bible of Shakubuku:

Here are a few excerpts and my responses.

The SGI Bible of Shakubuku (1951), supervised by Daisaku Ikeda,
was published by the Soka Gakkai to train believers. The Soka
Gakkai no longer publishes the Bible of Shakubuku because it
promotes the Nichiren Shoshu. Nevertheless, SGI's fundamental
doctrines have not changed except for denying that the heritage of
the Law is transmitted through the person of High Priest of Nichiren
Shoshu. Now they claim that the heritage is only transmitted through
the Successive Presidents of the Soka Gakkai.

"Shakyamuni's dharma is the dharma of the past and no longer
beneficial". (page 63, The Bible of Shakubuku)

Nichiren taught that Shakyamuni's Lotus Sutra is the only teaching
to be spread in the Latter Day.

"It is necessary to realize that we no longer have a connection
to Shakyamuni's Buddhism." (page 65, The Bible of Shakubuku)

Nichiren taught that we are the direct disciples of the Original
Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni.

"You should know that Nichiren Daishonin is the only true Buddha
because Shakamuni's Buddhism is useless." (page 67, The Bible of

Nichiren taught that Shakyamuni Buddha is the Original Eternal Buddha
and we can not even discard the Theoretical Section of the Lotus Sutra,
let alone the Essential Section.

"Buddha Shakamuni is inferior to the true Buddha Nichiren." (page
316, The Bible of Shakubuku)

Nichiren taught that all Buddhas throughout the past, present,
and future, are emanations of Shakyamuni Buddha. He also taught
that those who abandon Shakyamuni will fall into the Avici hell.

"The Lotus Sutra which is the long-cherished wish of Buddha
Shakamuni is no longer valid in this era, not in the least." (page93,
The Bible of Shakubuku)

Nichiren says the Lotus Sutra is the ultimate teaching of the past,
present, and future

"If you don't worship the Gohonzon of NST (SGI), you will know no
well-being in the age of Mappo." (page70, The Bible of Shakubuku)

Yet, the deluded SGI members criticize us for pointing out that the
Nichikan Gohonzon breeds evil men.

'If you worship the Honzon of a wicked religion, you will naturally
experience misfortune (page280, The Bible of Shakubuku).

The misfortune of the SGI senior leaders and their family members,
is actual proof that they worship a Honzon of a wicked religion and
the tremendous good fortune of the believers in the Kempon Hokke
is proof of the righteousness of our Honzon and the goodness of our

"All other sects except NST (SGI) are wicked religions and are a
negative influence on society. (page280, The Bible of Shakubuku)

The reality is that wherever the SGI has spread, the people have
suffered every manner of misfortune and even their own members
obtain neither merit nor virtue.

"The teachings of Buddha Shakamuni is as useless as last year's
calendar. If you are guided by his teachings, your life will surely
fail as a logical result." (page303,The Bible of Shakubuku)

Then why so many unrealized dreams among the Soka Gakkai
members and why such wonderful benefits in the life of Kempon
Hokke believers who embrace the Lotus Sutra and Shakyamuni Buddha?

"Every person who doesn't worship the Gohonzon of Fuji-Taiseki temple
(SGI) are bad people who slander the true dharma.' (page314, The Bible
of Shakubuku)

Then, the SGI members are bad because, according to their own criteria,
they slander the "true dharma" of Fuji-Taisekiji temple. The reality is
that they are bad people, especially their high salaried leaders, for
other real and serious transgressions: For abandoning the Lotus Sutra
and Lord Shakyamuni Buddha and exploiting the Dharma for personal

"The family which believes in the so-called Nichiren-shu will have
children who have deformities, mental retardation or madness."
(page321, The Bible of Shakubuku)

Then, why do so many children of SGI top senior leaders never make
it past their twenty first birthday while most Nichiren Shu priests' and
believers' children not only survive but thrive? The reason is that the
SGI's leaders curses and particularly Ikeda's curses have returned to the
originator. For slandering votaries of the Lotus Sutra they or their SGI
family members suffer everymanner of disease and death before they grow

"All other sects except NST (SGI) are false heresies who exert a
bad influence on society." (page323, The Bible of Shakubuku)

Then, why does France label the SGI a dangerous cult and has
Daisaku Ikeda never once received an award or honor from his
own people, the Japanese?

By recent Law, Malaysian Christians can no longer speak the name "Allah". Can SGI members?

What would happen to a Christian or SGI member in Malaysia were he or she to assert, "Allah licks the spittle of Jesus or Buddha"?

Nichiren explains why, Namu Myoho renge kyo

“All the doctrines possessed by the Thus Come One, all the freely exercised supernatural powers of the Thus Come One, the storehouse of all the secret essentials of the Thus Come One, all the most profound matters of the Thus Come One— all these are proclaimed, revealed, and clearly expounded in this sutra [Myoho renge kyo].” --Nichiren citing Lotus Sutra Chapter 21

Reverend Ryusho "Shonin" versus Nichiren Daishonin

"The Lotus Sutra is the truth of all truths taught by the Buddha, for it includes his declaration of “honestly discarding expedient means." -- Nichiren Daishonin

"Since the Lotus Sutra teaches, "If there are living beings who do not believe or accepted, you should use some of the other profound doctrines of the Thus Come One to teach, benefit and bring joy to them", the provisional teachings of the Buddha need not be discarded." Reverend Ryusho "Shonin"

Not understanding the Time, Rev. Ryusho brings misery upon his followers. Here, Chapter 22 ["In future ages"] means the Former and Middle Days, not the Latter Day.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


"They didn’t have enough of that questioning attitude.” 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Regarding Soka Gakkai's New Komeito government

"I, Nichiren, say in rebuttal: If nothing is vitally wrong with the present government, then why have such unprecedented epidemics, famines, and wars broken out?"

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Our guide to reunite with a deceased child

The late Goro was sixteen years old. Not only did he surpass others in his disposition and handsome appearance, but he was fully endowed with a man’s strengths and was praised by all. Moreover, his obedience to his parent’s will was like water taking the shape of its container or a shadow following a body. You relied upon him as the pillar of your household; you thought of him as your staff upon the road. All the wealth in your family coffers existed for this child; so did the family retainers. You must have been firmly convinced that when you died you would be carried by him on his back to the graveyard, and that there would be nothing left for you to worry about. But lamentably, he has preceded you in death. “Why? Why did this happen? It must be a dream, an illusion! I will wake up; I will wake up!” you must have thought. But without your having awakened, already one year has given way to the next. You do not know how long you will have to wait. You must feel that, if only he had left word where you could go to meet him, then without wings, you would soar to the heavens, or without a boat, you would cross over to China. If you heard that he was in the bowels of the earth, then how could you fail to dig into the ground?
And yet there is a way to meet him readily. With Shakyamuni Buddha as your guide, you can go to meet him in the pure land of Eagle Peak. The sutra states, “If there are those who hear the Law, then not a one will fail to attain Buddhahood.” This means that, even if one were to point at the earth and miss it, even if the sun and moon should fall to the ground, even if an age should come when the tides cease to ebb and flow, or even if flowers should not turn to fruit in summer, it could never happen that a woman who chants Nam-myoho-renge-kyo would fail to be reunited with her beloved child. Continue in your devotion to faith, and bring this about quickly!
With my deep respect,
The thirteenth day of the first month
Reply to the lay nun Ueno

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

To Sramanera John Doe

Nichiren worshiped neither the Nirmanakaya Buddha, the Sambhogakaya Buddha, nor the Dharmakaya Buddha. He worshiped the Trikaya Buddha.

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This post violated Google policies [????] and was only visible to me according to them. Lets see if we can change it so everyone can see SGI's dirty face.

SGI and the Scale of Cult Think with commentary by Kevin Richardson
“A group where critical examination of information and thinking for yourself: not encouraged – Don’t bring up any other form of Buddhism disregarded – Unless you want the “guidance of a lifetime” discouraged – Unless it’s about praising “Sensei” suppressed – They are fond of railroading and the bait and switch
5.will get you in trouble – Don’t receive any home visits apparently encouraged but actually forbidden – Just watch what you say.

Q & A

Is the Buddhist group SGI a cult or are they a recognized religious group?

BOTH. It's a religious group and to many, it's a cult as well.

I grew up in it and it destroyed my family. To this day, my mother chants Daimoku over 3 hours a day, is in debt, lost everything and is a bitter person. It goes to prove that chanting WON'T change everything as they promise. 

You can believe the Soka Gakkai or your own eyes and me

                               Cover for  My Mentor and I video [and SGI song]
My Mentor and I

Some questions for you to ask your SGI leaders

If SGI truly believes that Gohonzon is found in faith alone, 1). Why have a Gohonzon at all?; 2). Why change Gohonzons?; 3). Why not have chosen an Ikeda or Nichiren inscribed Gohonzon?


"One strange thing I noticed was the way they clapped at the television." 

Question for my readers

Why should something as corrupt, controlling, and deceitful as the Soka Gakkai be the only way to correctly practice Nichiren Daishonin's Lotus Sutra Buddhism?

SGI and the Scale of Cult Think with commentary by Kevin Richardson

“A group where critical examination of information and thinking for yourself: not encouraged – Don’t bring up any other form of Buddhism disregarded – Unless you want the “guidance of a lifetime” discouraged – Unless it’s about praising “Sensei” suppressed – They are fond of railroading and the bait and switch
5.will get you in trouble – Don’t receive any home visits apparently encouraged but actually forbidden – Just watch what you say.

It can not be disputed...Shakyamuni Buddha of the Lifespan Chapter [the Gohonzon] is the Buddhist Object of Worship in Mappo

"During the entire fifty years of Shakyamuni’s teaching, only in the last eight years did he preach the twenty- eight chapters of the Lotus Sutra. Again, of all these chapters, only in the eight chapters did he reveal and transfer the object of devotion to the Bodhisattvas of the Earth.During the two millennia of the Former and Middle Days of the Law, statues were made showing Mahakashyapa and Ananda flanking the Shakyamuni Buddha of Hinayana, and Manjushri and Universal Worthy flanking the Shakyamuni Buddha of the provisional Mahayana, the Nirvana Sutra, and the theoretical teaching of the Lotus Sutra.

Even though statues and paintings were made of these Shakyamuni Buddhas during the two millennia, no image or statue was made of the Buddha of the “Life Span” chapter. Only in the Latter Day of the Law will the representation of that Buddha appear." -- The True Object of Worship, Nichiren Daishonin's most important writing.