Saturday, October 5, 2013

Have I proved my point that SGI is destructive cult? Let Robin of the Ikeda sect know what you think.

More SGI members respond to my post, SGI is a Destructive Cult by Definition:


  1. Because I was in the S.G.I for many years I think I could be one of the best judges of whether it is a cult or not. I think we could go on for ever debating this point and where would it lead us .People will see it is all a matter opinion. A favourite remark these days is everyone thinks they have the right religion but this is a remark to make people think that it is impossible to arrive at the truth.There is a truth there has to be if there is none, we might as well forget about it and live a haphazard life and hope for the best. What amazes me is these same people do not question certain facts that they have to live by and know them to be true. No one doubts if you jump of a building you would probably not survive .There are the same laws the Buddha discovered about human behaviour and beliefs that result in suffering.I believe it is a question who is teaching the Law correctly.We can go on for ever describing the behaviour of those in these different sects and of course what they believe will determine there behaviour. But do they teach the Law as described in the Lotus Sutra that is the bottom line.I know they do not .They violate the premise that we need to look to the law not the person now if you analyse this. They teach look to Ikeda and the S.G.I organisation. Now what is an organisation but a collection of people. This is a crafty way of leading us away from the laws .Many religions use the same tactic because they want you to give your allegiance to a body, call it a church or organisation who wants power over you for their own ends.

  2. Hi Mark,

    Many thanks for reprinting these. Just a couple of things.

    (1) Did you not reply to all of POINT 2 (my comments from 8:56 and 8:58 to do with actual proof? There doesn't seem to be a rebuttal for these points, but I thought at the time you had replied to all it.

    (2) I know that I NEVER replied to POINT 4 in the comments section, but I thought that I had commented POINT 3 a few weeks after your comments. Maybe I didn't?

    Maybe a few points have been lost, or maybe they never existed, but thanks again for reprinting these posts as I thought both your replies and mine were lost when you shut down the Kempon Hokke blog.

  3. Hi Robin. What were your points about actual proof? The Sho Hondo debacle? The lack of protection of the most faithful SGI leaders? The double speak pre and post split of Ikeda? The 560 + thousand people in the US who quit the Gakki, returned, destroyed, or threw out their SGI Gohonzon?
