Saturday, October 5, 2013

Nichiren inscribed Gohonzon [possessed by the Kempon Hokke and offered to us] soon to be available to the faithful disciples and believers of Nichiren Daishonin


  1. The Denpo [Gohonzon for the Transmission of the Dharma], Shutei Gohonzon, and others may also be utilized as one's principle object of worship.

    1. This Gohonzon has the same name yet it is different

      "This is known as 伝法本尊 — Denpo Honzon; the Honzon for Transmission of the Dharma".

      "I was told that the mandala became known as the Great Mandala for Transmitting the Dharma . Also, it is the most common Gohonzon issued by Kempon Hokke Shu in the USA".

    2. Hi Noel. if you look very carefuly, you will see that this is not the Denpo Gohonzon. The character Myo of the Denpo Gohonzon is quite different.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Yes that's right,one too many red wines and past my bed time effected my judgment. This Gohonzon is very powerful I must of nodded off this morning while I was chanting and shifted into a state where I experienced a blissful joy and ecstasy that rivaled any psychedelic drug or transcendental state through yoga and meditation that I've had in the past The exulted states are described in Buddhism as the eternal unchanging, blissful, pure Self , knows of no beginning or end, beyond birth and death, time and space as the Dharmakaya , Law/Dharma body aspect of the Buddha. In my 25 years of chanting to SGI/NST Gohonzon's I have never experienced anything that comes even close to this.

      My wife after close detail observation said that the dates on the this Mystic Gohonzon and the Shutei look like they are same and that they were both written on the same day

      The following are exerts from Wikipedia - Eternal Buddha

      The Buddha abiding in intrinsic quiescence is none other than the dharmakaya ... This dharmakaya is the real Buddha

      The sutra itself, however, does not directly employ the phrase "eternal Buddha"; yet similar notions are found in other Mahayana scriptures, notably the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, which presents the Buddha as the ultimately real, eternal ("nitya"/ "śāśvata"), unchanging, blissful, pure Self (Atman) who, as the Dharmakaya, knows of no beginning or end.
      The Chinese scholar Zhiyi [天台] (538–597) viewed Shakyamuni Buddha of Ch 16 of the Lotus Sutra as a unification of the Three Buddha Bodies. That is, Shakyamuni of Ch 16 possesses all Three Bodies. Other sutras are taught from the standpoint of a single Buddha Body, but Ch 16 onwards is taught from a unification of the Three.[1]

      Commenting on the Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra, Dr. Guang Xing writes:

      'One of the main themes of the Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra is that the Buddha is eternal, a theme very much in contrast with the Hinayana idea that the Buddha departed for ever after his final nirvananotably the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, which presents the Buddha as the ultimately real, eternal ("nitya"/ "śāśvata"), unchanging, blissful, pure Self (Atman) who, as the Dharmakaya, knows of no beginning or end.

      The Mahayanists assert the eternity of the Buddha in two ways in the Mahaparinirvana Sutra. They state that the Buddha is the dharmakaya, and hence eternal. Next, they re-interpret the liberation of the Buddha as mahaparinirvana possessing four attributes: eternity, happiness, self and purity. In other words, according to the Mahayanists, the fact that the Buddha abides in the mahaparinirvana means not that he has departed for ever, but that he perpetually abides in intrinsic quiescence. The Buddha abiding in intrinsic quiescence is none other than the dharmakaya ... This dharmakaya is the real Buddha. It is on this doctrinal foundation that the Mahaparinirvana Sutra declares:"the dharmakaya has [the attributes of] eternity (nitya), happiness (sukha), self (atman) and purity (subha) and is perpetually free from birth, old age, sickness, death and all other sufferings ... It exists eternally without change ..."'[2]

  2. Hello Mark, you can determine if this Gohonzon is the Nichiren's handwriting?
    This Gohonzon is authentic?

    * My facebook page:

  3. Nichiren Shu claims it is. It is a woodblock Gohonzon that they possess Jerry [Shinkei] has been exhaustively researching it. It is not in the Gohonzon Shu [book of extant Gohonzon]. We don't entirely trust the Nichiren Shu so we are holding off bestowing this Gohonzon and have returned to the Denpo Gohonzon [Gohonzon for the Transmission of the Dharma].

  4. It is in possession of the Nichiren Shu [not the Kempon Hokke] as erroneously reported. Shinkei may know more details. I will talk to him [or you can talk to him] about any updates.

  5. Why don't you print it on fine acid free paper and mount it? Parchment paper too works fine. Go to or find another distributor of blank scrolls and use Zen wheat paste and you can mount a fine Gohonzon.

  6. This is the White Lotus Gohonzon.

  7. The White Lotus is not in Nichiren's chart:

    Is it Nichiren's or a transcripion who knows?

    Why would anyone risk it when their are verified Nichiren's Gohonzons in the chart list!

  8. I believe there are several Gohonzon neither in this collection nor the Gohonzon Shu. Certainly it is a beautiful, if not the most beautiful Gohonzon. I am certain, whether it is a Nichiren Gohonzon (certainly the calligraphy is exceedingly similar to his) or a transcription by one of his faithful disciples, it is a valid Gohonzon. I would be honored to to offer my praise and devotion to this Gohonzon. I am not asserting that you feel the same, but this is my feeling.
