Sunday, January 12, 2014

A post of mine before and shortly after the Great Recession of 2008

Embracing the One Vehicle of the Lotus Sutra, I was able to predict

the present crisis, if not the exact date. I wrote the following short
essay on August 18th and 10 days ago I wrote to Larry Kudlow that his
shameless shilling of republican party economic programs and values
and his support of the greedy Wallstreet shorting and derivative
practices (coupled with his irrational exuberance regarding the state
of the United States economy without any regard for the middle class),
would be a cause for his falling into hell.

Here was my original post:
Hello my dear readers. A little light analysis after posting the Shoju

Initiative. The United States economic status is diminishing.
$700,000,000,000.00 a year goes to buying oil and another
$600,000,000,000.00 or so goes to fighting wars. The health care
system is in absolute financial shambles costing taxpayers more than
$500,000,000,000.00 a year and we don't even have universal health

That is almost $2,000,000,000,000.00 A YEAR of which

$1,300,000,000,000,00 we might as well be flushing down the toilet
excepting that the war in Afghanistan is a just war. Our economy is
now predominantly service based rather than manufacturing and the
biggest component of our manufacturing base is defense related.

How do the powers that be in the United States, especially Bush,

Cheney, and their cronies, plan to hold onto our wealth, let alone
grow it?

Through military power, projecting our force and taking what is not

rightfully ours. There really is no peaceful way in their minds
because they are not men of vision. They obviously knew about
Sakashvilli's intentions in Georgia. It wouldn't surprise me that they
egged him on. It is in their inrerest to destabilize the world so we
can sell more weapons and project more power. That is easy with stupid
ignorant puppets like Sakashvilli.

Russia at least is energy independent and more money is coming in than

going out. This is a good thing because people in Rapture are far less
likely than people in Hunger to make rash decisions that could destroy
their good fortunes. However, they still have an angry crew over there
in the Kremlin and just today they threatened to nuke Poland.

Things are not good, my dear readers and even those few who are now

laughing will soon be crying. This is an inevitability because the
lotus flower only grows in the muddy water. I am dispassionate about
my, my country's, and the worlds sufferings because I know it will
later turn to delight. We as disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha and
Nichiren Daishonin have nothing to fear. However, we must redouble our
efforts to create the Land of Eternal Quiescent Light, the Pure Land
here on earth. If we do not do our best we will have nothing but

I would be remiss were I to fail to mention the predictions of my good friend in faith Stephen Shonin Paine for the United States and the world. I suggest you look him up on facebook.

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