Friday, January 17, 2014

Correct, don't follow Marcheso, Polito, and Rogow

"Please don't follow to Mark Rogow, Jerry Marcheso and Stephen Paine, who are former believers of Kempon Hokke. They have not been qualified as a priest at all. They have not attended any basic lecture of Kempon Hokke. Because they don't have knowledge about the philosophy of Buddhism, they insist on wrong doctrines selfishly without having correct understanding to the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's Gosho. Now, they are trying to blame the priesthood of Kempon Hokke and establish own sect like SGI. They have been already excommunicated by Kempon Hokke Shu. Causing disunity in the community of Sangha is one of the five deadly sins of Buddhism. Those who commit these sins fall in to hell." -- Shamon Tsuchiya

Also, don't follow Ikeda, High Priest Nichinyo, Rev. Ryuei, or Rev. Tsuchiya. Follow only the Law, Shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, and Nichiren Daishonin.


  1. i can't post there and i am not considered a member either, don't care. the kempon is a weak shoju betrayel of its founder nichiju as well as nichiren. i quite before they kicked me out, i am a nichiren lotus sutra buddhist . i follow shakyamuni , his lotus sutra , and his emissary nichiren. the kempon are cowards starting with tsuchiya.

  2. Correct as usual. We are David and they are Goliath.
