Friday, January 17, 2014

It ain't easy fighting the Soka Gakkai in Japan

 Minutes to 13:10 on November 15 of last year, in Tokyo District Court, the first time trial of the damage suit of defamation against me was held from Tetsuya Yamamoto Soka Gakkai Vice President.

The complaint, name of six General Counsel of the Soka Gakkai has been described.

However, according to Ikuta Teruo teacher of attorney is a counsel of me that has been court appearance in court, it is that the came people of attorney of more than 10 people out from the Soka Gakkai.

It is said that the total assets of the Soka Gakkai 10 trillion yen, the personal assets of Daisaku Ikeda, Soka Gakkai Honorary President that's one trillion yen. Is the Soka Gakkai, I have organized the defense team of more than 10 people in litigation that against me.

My counsel is Ikuta teacher Tadao one person. On the other hand, Soka Gakkai I are organizing the defense team of more than 10 people.

Lawyers meeting of Soka Gakkai, or would have been made in any atmosphere. The people of attorney, or would be folded so as to face while being what your face. Will there be at the time of meeting, laughter welling up.

The other day, it is that when I am allowed to the meeting of the court for the first time this year and Ikuta teacher. And we have made a number of meetings so far, but there was a first time event this time.

Previously, I introduce the blog, but in meeting with Ikuta teacher, every time, you may like to laugh along the way. Laugh appropriate to the word break up occurs.

However, meeting for the first time this year, began with a hearty laugh from the beginning. Things like this is the first time.

In fact, I was folded to forget meeting Ikuta teacher.Gate of the office because it was closed, I call the teacher.

Then, the teacher, was said to be "Happy New Year. Sorry. Open the gate immediately.. Congratulations is this is really opened up" he said.

Remarks of this Ikuta teacher, I burst into laughter.The moment, I felt that he really great person, a teacher Ikuta been a humorous remarks like this.

While I burst out laughing, and say the ". Fukurai barrel is the gate to laugh", Ikuta teacher was a good laugh this time.

It was the laughter from before the meeting is, it is the first time really. Consultation with Ikuta teacher then became a worthy expansion to the words "fortune has come" and literally. You can not unfortunately, tactical litigation, and to clarify the content, but thankfully indeed.

By the way, I will inform you of the dates of trial.It is scheduled to 13:30 January 9, at the Tokyo District Court Tachikawa branch, judgment of damages case that I have caused against Wada Kimio based Soka Gakkai International consultation manager is issued.

The case was concluded before twice only. That the judge in charge is Soka Gakkai members is clear. We're now the special appeal of evasion allegations of judge to the Supreme Court. However, regardless of this special appeal, ruling seems served at Tachikawa branch.

Counsel of Mr. Kimio Wada has been argued this matter to be aging. Perhaps, I am predicting the judge in charge, and do not make the decision which adopted this claim. It will be without having to consider the claim of this place, to issue the decision of the Monzenbarai.

We talk with the person who yesterday was also recovered 15 million yen of financial from Soka Gakkai.Who this is, I was told "that the other party that claimed the statute of limitations, or does not mean that admitted the contents of the murder notice. I even,. You know such a thing" he said.

For the judgment of Tachikawa branch, we will immediately appeal to the Tokyo High Court. If you appeal, stamp fee of legal costs will be 1.5 times. Of course, mobilization fee is also required new.

You may from Ikuta teacher, it was said, "Mr. 髙倉,. Will want to spend on legal fees most of their salary," and once. Really, cost money to trial in Japan.

Although it is far pains indeed, thank you sincerely for your support of even more to the white rose movement support donations.

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Thank you. I have achieved 40 million page views thanks to all of you.

The name of the donations have been decided.

It was opened white rose movement support donations transfer account.

In addition, minutes to 10:30 January 10, at the Tokyo District Court, 2nd trial of the damage suit of defamation against me will be opened from Tetsuya Yamamoto Soka Gakkai Vice President. In this trial, we plan to Ikuta teacher is in court.


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Japan Blog Village
 current, court costs to fight the cult sect Soka Gakkai Ikeda (white rose movement support I am looking for donations).  To everyone who was credited the donations so far, I Thank you very much from my heart. As you know, cost a lot of money will take to trial in Japan. Given the development of future litigation, even just attach stamp fee to complaint, considerable expense is required. I'm afraid very much, thank you sincerely for your support of everyone who.  When it is credited the donations, as much as possible, I am happy if you can inform your name and your address. It is also well enough e-mail address. Humbly thank you. Number of transfer account of the White Rose movement support donations are as follows. 1-necked 300 yen. Thank you very much for your cooperation.          Ki 1.If it is credited or transfer paper post office, from the account of the Japan Post Bank of your other    account 01680-3-132288 symbol number    account name (Kanji) white rose movement support donations    account name (kana) server round white cow Engi yen Kin2. When is credited from other financial institutions    (salesperson) one hundred sixty-nine (Ichirokukyuu) Shops (169) shop name    checking deposit sport       0132288 account number  for the procedure of transfer from the post office, please refer to the following website. 

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