Sunday, January 19, 2014

"SGI LURKERS: STAND UP!" Waiting, waiting............waiting

Found this on line: 

"Kathy Ruby (an SGI-USA member) summarized more of the President Ikeda's encouragement (This was copied from Ms. Ruby's post in a newsgroup):

Kathy Ruby

"..if you see someone twisting or negating the Daishonin’s teaching or trying to sabotage our movement to spread the Mystic Law, you cannot simply ignore it. 

"Someone who sees such destructive activities but fails to do anything is an enemy of Buddhism. The Daishonin teaches us to strenuously oppose and defeat negative forces. 

"For example, if we vociferously repudiate malicious lies as soon as they circulate, we can crush the designs of evil-intended people. If we remain silent, we play right into their hands. Our timidity only makes them bolder. 

"Unless we speak out to set the record straight and ensure that truth prevails, we will not achieve kosen rufu. The Soka Gakkai spirit lies in fearlessly stating the truth. This was the Soka Gakkai’s strength in the early days; this is the reason we have succeeded in developing the kosen rufu movement to the extent that we have. This spirit is needed now more than ever before." -- From "Stand Up" by Daisaku Ikeda, (WT Oct. 10, 1997, page 14) 

The Gosho and the history of Buddhism all support SGI’s movement for the widespread propagation of the Mystic Law. Study the Gosho, learn the facts and join us in your own capacity to "speak out and set the record straight" in all the arenas of your life."

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