Sunday, January 19, 2014

Some examples of SGI covert and not so covert public relations propaganda in Japan [bottom entry the truth about SGI and New Komeito connection]



  1. Interesting collection of bits and pieces, but is it proof that the Japanese love of primary colours and the SGIs use of primary colours in their flag has some sinister covert or not covert implication.

    The goods pictured at the top are all sold at SGI shops in Japan. I never saw them in local stores, just the official SGI shops. This combination of flags, sweets and bead pouches are for the use of SGI members, so no propaganda there. The chanting bears don't even have any SGI logos on them so could be used by any Nichiren Buddhist group or any other Buddhist school that kneels and chants.

    Next we have a few shops and businesses. As an SGI member that practised in Japan for 10 years, I never knew (until it was pointed out by Mark in a previous entry on his old Kempon Hokke site) that Book-Off, the drug store or the fast food shop were SGI affiliated. If SGI members don't know, how is this PR propaganda?

    Then we come to a selection of pictures of musicians, singers and TV shows which all show the use of red, yellow and blue. As far as I can remember from school, red, yellow and blue are primary colours and these colours are often used to make TV shows and performances more colourful. There is no more of a link to the SGI, than there is to Chad or Romania (two countries that use the same flag as the SGI).

    Also, the lower pictures seem to really be stretching the connection of covert propaganda - if you look at the girls next to Natsumi Abe, they are wearing red, WHITE and blue, not red, YELLOW and blue!! Also the picture below Natsumi Abe is people wearing blue, yellow, GREEN and red, and the picture below that is yellow, blue and ORANGE! Could they not find a red boiler suit?

    Finally, the political poster at the bottom is a reminder that an election is coming up and it advertises the three main candidates from the three main parties. Not all of the candidates are SGI affiliated and, like many countries, each political party has a different colour. If this poster were in the UK, the Tory party would be the blue candidate, the Liberal Democrats the yellow one and the Labour party would be the red candidate. Or is this proof that the UK election system is also affiliated with the SGI?

  2. It would be nice to have the perspective of a native Japanese without an SGI agenda to comment on their view of SGI's covert and overt propaganda in Japan.I will do some more research this weekend and see if I can come up with something.
