Sunday, January 12, 2014

They must be speaking out behind closed doors or who are the evil ones?

It is especially important for leaders to be energetic. As leaders, we
must courageously speak out against any evil that would cause
suffering to our fellow members. (Jan.2.2006)
Construction entails an all-out struggle; destruction can happen in an
instant. Should evil flourish, good will perish. As long as there are
courageous people who will battle selflessly against corruption, good
can be protected. But if that spirit is lost, destruction will begin
immediately. (Jan.2.2006)
Base, self-serving people must not be allowed to exploit the Gakkai or
the members’ faith. Never give anyone the kind of special status that
would place them above criticism even when all around them know
something is wrong with their behavior. (Jan.2.2006)
Always speak out boldly against wrongdoing. Corruption should be
denounced unequivocally. Don’t be timid or cowardly. Cowardice is a
form of dishonesty, and dishonesty is evil. (Jan.2.2006)
Those who neither act nor speak out against wrongdoing when they see
it will be guilty of the same offense. This will only erase the good
fortune and benefit that they have accumulated thus far. (Jan.2.2006)
The truly good are those who battle against evil. Buddhism entails a
constant struggle against the devilish functions that cause people
misery. (Jan.2.2006)
It is proper and just to strictly refute evil. To do the right thing,
one must be strong; without strength, one will not be able to uphold
what is right. Justice and courage are inseparable. (Jan.2.2006)
Power-hungry tyrants, on the other hand, ignore or denigrate the
supreme value of the individual, seeing people only as faceless
masses. Anyone who does this is on a par with such dictators as Adolf
Hitler. (Jan.6.2006)
Hitler had no conception of the dignity of the individual. He was only
interested in people as a mass. This is because as far as tyrants are
concerned, people are just a means to an end. (Jan.6.2006)
Dictators seek to use the people to further their own greed and
ambitions, to cleverly manipulate them. The way of the Soka Gakkai is
diametrically opposed to such human exploitation. (Jan.6.2006)
The organization does not come first and the individual second.
Everything starts with the individual and through individuals uniting
strongly together. Losing sight of this fundamental point can have
terrible consequences. Anyone who sees the Gakkai and its members as
nothing but a means to advance personal ends, just like the tyrants I
have described, is a person of the purest evil. (Jan.6.2006)
In one passage from this classic text, Confucius replies to a question
from a disciple, saying, “Promote the upright, place them above the
crooked, and you shall make the crooked upright.”(Jan.12, 2006)
In other words, the upright must be placed above the wicked and be
allowed to give full play to their potential. Upright people must be
given opportunities to contribute and use their talent and ability,
and be empowered. This is the key to an organization achieving sound
and healthy development, while correcting and eradicating evils. (Jan.
12, 2006)
To remain silent and passive in the face of evil is itself an evil
act. As founding Soka Gakkai president Tsunesaburo Makiguchi noted,
those who pretend not to see a wrong or injustice are, by their
silence, contributing to its escalation and end up no different from
the wrongdoers. Kosen-rufu is a struggle of words and ideas. As such,
we must fight resolutely against erroneous ideas and falsehoods that
cause people suffering and misery. (1/27/2006)
Our weapons are our voices, our words. Our aim is to expose evil for
what it is and awaken people to the truth by speaking out for what is
just and true and engaging in courageous dialogue. Then we can all
walk along the great path of happiness together. That is the very
essence of our struggle to introduce Buddhism to others.(1/27/2006)
President Makiguchi used to insist that an organization had to be
reformed not from the top down, but from the bottom up. Have the
courage to speak out against anything that threatens to obstruct the
advance of kosen-rufu. If you think something is wrong, say it, no
matter who the other party in question might be. There's no need to be
meek and quiet. Remaining silent is just cowardice, and, depending
upon the situation, can help perpetrate wrong.(1/27/2006)
Let me again share some teachings of Mr. Toda. On one occasion, he
said: "People who are lax toward evil, people who do not fight against
wrong, no matter how good-natured they are or how impressive they may
appear on the surface, ultimately have no principles, no convictions.
They have no real character, either. They are devious, self-serving
He also declared: "We don't need cowards in the Gakkai. Anyone who is
not enraged by injustice can leave! I'll go on fighting if I'm the
only one left!" No matter what fine-sounding speeches they might make,
those afraid to fight our attackers are not qualified to be leaders in
our organization. A strong resolve and concrete efforts to battle
those who seek to damage the Soka Gakkai or who try to cause harm to
one's mentor are the essence of a true leader of kosen-rufu.
Mr. Toda always said: "Unity is the guiding principle of the Soka
Gakkai." We must not allow anyone or anything to destroy that unity
and divide our members. Those who stand on the side of truth must be
strong and show proof that truth and justice always win. We must make
this a rule as clear and certain as a mathematical principle.
The French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal (1623-62)
declared: "When arguments are opposed against one another, those which
are true and convincing confound and dissipate those that are no more
than vanity and falsehood." Those who have truth on their side can, by
their very nature, dispel those who purvey only lies. And at the same
time, to compromise with falsehood is cowardice and weakness. This is
even more so in our case as practitioners who uphold the correct
teaching of Buddhism. Truth and justice must win out. Error and evil
must be vanquished. This must be the iron rule that guides our
struggle at all times.
The French author George Sand (1804-76) wrote: "To call attention to
an evil is to combat it." Please don't ignore evil or injustice when
you see it. Such inaction makes you complicit in wrongdoing. This was
also the teaching of President Makiguchi.
The American civil rights activist Virginia Durr (1903-99) declared:
"It seems to me that tolerance of evil has produced so much worse
evil." And it was her conviction that no matter what happened, she
would continue the fight against perpetrators of injustice. SGI
members are trusting, good-hearted people. As a result, there are
always cunning and devious individuals ready to take advantage of
them. Please never be deceived by such people. Don't be foolish and
allow them to get away with their schemes. It is vital to be
unrelenting in the struggle against injustice and corruption;
otherwise, the good and decent will suffer.
We must maintain a vigorous offensive against the corrupt and
unscrupulous. Doing so is the highest form of justice; it is the
greatest good. It is also important to take quick and decisive action
in this struggle. Hesitating only aids the spread of evil. Don't
overlook the smallest warning sign. Leaders must fight resolutely to
preserve the pure realm of the Soka Gakkai.
There have been those who gained social prominence thanks to the
Gakkai's support, only to become consumed by personal ambition and
self-interest and turn around and betray their fellow members.The
ancient Roman philosopher and orator Seneca said: "[Ingratitude] is,
indeed, a heinous vice, it is intolerable."
I have spent my life fighting against such ingrates while protecting
President Toda and working to make all his plans and ideals a reality.
Just like there is only one sun in the sky, I have struggled over the
years with the conviction that for me there is only one mentor, and
that is Mr. Toda. I have triumphed over every obstacle and adversary
that sought to block the path of kosen-rufu. That is why the Gakkai
has prospered and grown into the organization it is today.

1 comment:

  1. no, the gak has grown into the org. it is today because of egregious slander of buddhism and way too much money.

    thank you.
