Monday, January 20, 2014

You had better burn this into your mind

“That which accords with the sutras is to be written down and made available. But put no faith in anything that in word or meaning fails to do so.” The Great Teacher Dengyō said, “Depend upon the preachings of the Buddha, and do not put faith in traditions handed down orally.” The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom of Nāgārjuna says that one should rely on treatises that are faithful to the sutras, but not rely on those that distort the sutras. And Shakyamuni, the lord of teachings, said, “Rely on the Law and not upon persons.”


  1. "Scriptures are not absolute. Different people may interpret them differently." -- Soka Spirit

    Wrong SS. Take 1000 honest people and read the entire Gosho and what Nichiren has to say about Shakyamuni Buddha and 1000 people will arrive at the very same interpretation. Of course the dishonest priests and leaders of the SGI and Nichiren Shoshu will arrive at a different interpretation or conclusion. But that is to be expected.

  2. There are some priests who need to learn that lesson, too...follow the Law, not the person. I have taken my leave of the present day Kempon Hokke and their virtual representative, Sinyou Tsuchiya. I will no longer associate with this hobo priest who distorts the teachings of Nichiren Shonin, Nichiju Shoshi, and the Jumon Ryu. I will not mix meditation or any other Buddhist practice with the chanting of Odaimoku. Nichiren Shonin taught against it, and that is what I choose to follow. If this means I must practice alone for the rest of my life, so be it. It breaks my heart to see Kempon Hokke go through, yet again, another split like this, where the teachings are distorted and misrepresented by supposed representatives of the Kempon Hokke school.

  3. It has become a business of corrupt spineless individuals. Too sad..

  4. I agree with you completely on both your statements. I hope people wake up and see that his teachings are corrupt. What a sad day in the history of Kempon Hokke...

  5. Thanks Fred. I hope you will be happy and at ease.

  6. Thank you both. I have very mixed emotions. I will probably start my own blog shortly. I don't know how that's going to work out but I will give it my best shot :) Mind if I drop by here now and again and schmooze with you guys?
