Saturday, February 8, 2014

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Statement of Spiritual Separation from the Kempon Hokke-shu of Japan by the American believers:

By Stephen Paine on Sunday, January 26, 2014 at 10:31pm
The Lotus Sutra Society

Restoring the Kempon Hokke of Nichiju Shonin
- An American Nichiren Restoration Project-

 Statement of Spiritual Separation from the Kempon Hokke-shu of Japan by the American believers:

  We the American believers of the Lotus Sutra Society hereby separate ourselves spiritually from the Kempon Hokke shu of Japan.; that which springs from the Momanji temple now ruled by evil priest that have lost the orthodox tradition and the spirit to go back to Nichiren as once founded by Nichiju Shonin.

The facts are that they have been consumed by Minobu and thus have joined evil spiritual friends. We therefore have no choice but to separate ourselves spiritually, and by name; however, since Buddhism states it will in this time period of Mappo spread from the West, and not East we are NOT taken back by these events and the current condition of Japan; as Nichiren’s Rissho Ankoku Ron predicted everything as it has unfolded. 

Thus, Nichiren’s warning to the Japanese people during his time that we read now in the Rissho Ankoku Ron states by their blaspheme they would bring ruin to their nation by turning their back on Shakyamuni Buddha. Thus, it is clear the Kempon Hokke priest in Japan have lost the pure and faithful tradition it once enjoyed.

But we do not let the spirit of Nichiren die in their lost school, but instead we "return" to Nichiju on the principle he founded originally that is to say, “Go back to Nichiren.”

Thus, because of the Kempon Hokke Japan’s Hobo action and other blasphemes against the Dharma with great pause we pondered our dilemma, and thus have been left with no choice as the Sutra states, but to depart from evil spiritual friends.

So based on the admonitions of Nichiren with great sadness we must depart from such evil spiritual friends that say one thing about doctrine as it should be, but their action are completely opposed to the Lotus Sutra and Fuju-fuse. As Nichiren stated,  “One does as he speaks and speaks as he does.”

One example is the reason most left the Fuju-ha’s (SGI) master disciple slavery doctrine; which Rev.Tsuchia practices by distorting these principle to gain power, voiding out “Kyogan Sojo” by claiming only through their heretical priesthood can one obtain enlightenment.

Thus, the Kempon Hokke Japan has become unitarian like Minobu, and they do not even uphold the most basic aspect of the Lotus Sutra; it has become poisoned to the extreme and has caused great harm to American believers and the Kempon Hokke at large.

Thus, we, The Lotus Sutra Society from this point on are not connected to any part of the Kempon Hokke-shu of Japan as it is no longer spiritually connected to Nichiju’s original founded sect, but as stated above we “go back to Nichiren” as Nichiju originally founded and vow to keep it and propagate to those means as accords with The Lotus Sutra.

Moreover, we renounce ALL other Nichiren sects, including SGI, Nichiren Shoshu, Nichiren Shu, Honmon Butsuryushu, as well as Kempon Hokke. Our hearts are broken over what Kempon Hokke has become. Our goal is to practice the Lotus Sutra as Nichiren Shonin taught, and Nichiju Shoshi taught. We will not worship with any other school (Hobo Sojo), nor will we chant to any other mandala other than a properly consecrated Nichiren mandala...not one inscribed by some heretical high priest or a group such as SGI. WE do not recognize any other methods of practice, other than chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. WE will not engage in the meditation practices taught by other sects. 

WE renounce the teachings of all other Nichiren and Buddhist sects. We also renounce any priest or teaching that is contrary to what our master Nichiren Shonin taught. 

The Lotus Sutra Society
Namu Myoho renge kyo!


  1. I must have missed this post back then.
    However, though not American but a Dutchman instead, I too, have now reisgned from any involvement that has to do with Kempon Hokke Shu.
    With this i do NOT give up the teachings by Lord Shakyamuni Buddha, Nichiren Shonin or Nichiju Shoshi, but do protest against the degrading of the Dharma as is currently taught by the priests of Myomanji, Japan.

    With Sincere Gassho,
