Sunday, March 2, 2014

Adhering exactly to its teachings without adding any of your own ideas or following the arbitrary interpretations of others.

"If one has no faith, one will elevate it to the sphere of sages and think one has no knowledge of it. If one has no knowledge, one will become conceited and think one is equal to Buddha. Then beginning and end are both wrong, both not it." -- Master Tientai

Nichiren writes:

"Great Concentration and Insight says: “If one lacks faith [in the Lotus Sutra], one will object that it pertains to the lofty realm of the sages, something far beyond the capacity of one’s own wisdom to comprehend. If one lacks wisdom, one will become puffed up with arrogance and will claim to be the equal of the Buddha.”

Nichiren also writes:

"Faith in this sutra means that you will surely attain Buddhahood if you are true to the entirety of the Lotus Sutra, adhering exactly to its teachings without adding any of your own ideas or following the arbitrary interpretations of others."

The question arises, where can one find such practitioners who neither add any of their own ideas nor follow the arbitrary interpretations of others and enter into their Sangha [group of believers]? Here, by following, the Law, Shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren, Nichiju, and Nikkyo. Nikkyo the Martyr, after his excommunication from the Kempon Hokke [Nichiju Monryu], formed his own group, the Nikkyo Monryu, ultimately rejecting the Kempon Hokke for their compromise with the authorities.

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