Monday, April 21, 2014

Gohonzon on right is the Shutei Gohonzon [Nichiren's last "Expanded" Gohonzon]. Gohonzon on the left is unknown Nichiren? Gohonzon


  1. Please compare either of these to the Nichikan no-Honzon.

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    2. Mark,where can find a map of Shutei Gohonzon [Nichiren's last "Expanded" Gohonzon]. It looks exactly the same as the unknown Gohonzon.

    3. Nichikans Gohonzon doesn't seem to have the complete representation of the ten worlds; Daivadatta (HELL) Assura (ANGER), Sharihotsu (Nijo, Voice Hearer, Realization) The Dragon daughter/woman could not be sighted

      The Shutei Gohonzon fits the full description as given in the Gosho:The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon

      Now, over two hundred years have passed since the beginning of the Latter Day of the Law. How awesome that Nichiren was the first to inscribe this great mandala as the banner of propagation of the Lotus Sutra, when even such great masters as Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu, T'ien-t'ai and Miao-lo were unable to do so! This mandala is in no way Nichiren's invention. It is the object of worship which perfectly depicts Lord Shakyamuni in the Treasure Tower and all the other Buddhas who were present, as accurately as the print matches the woodblock. The five characters of the Lotus Sutra's title are inscribed in the center of the Treasure Tower, while the Four Heavenly Kings are seated at the four corners. Shakyamuni and Taho Buddhas, as well as the four leaders of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, are lined across the top. Seated below them are the Bodhisattvas Fugen and Monju, and men of Learning, including Shariputra and Maudgalyayana. Beside them are posted the gods3 of the sun and the moon, the Devil of the Sixth Heaven, the Dragon King and ashura; Fudo and Aizen take up their stations to the south and north, respectively. The devilishly treacherous Devadatta and the Dragon King's ignorant daughter attend, too. The demon Kishimojin appears with her ten daughters, who sap the lives of people throughout the universe. Also present are the guardian deities of Japan: Tensho Daijin and Bodhisattva Hachiman, representing the seven ranks of heavenly gods, the five ranks of earthly gods, and all other major and minor gods in general. As all the gods appear in their essence, so must they appear in their manifestations. The Hoto chapter states, "All the assembly were lifted and present in the air." Dwelling in the Gohonzon are all the Buddhas, bodhisattvas and great saints, as well as the eight groups of sentient beings of the two realms4 who appear in the first chapter of the Lotus Sutra. Illuminated by the five characters of the Mystic Law, they display the enlightened nature they inherently possess. This is the true object of worship.

      This manifestation is what the sutra means by "all phenomena reveal the true entity."5 Miao-lo states, "The true entity is invariably revealed in all phenomena, and all phenomena invariably possess the Ten Factors. The Ten Factors invariably function within the Ten Worlds, and the Ten Worlds invariably entail both life and its environment."6 T'ien-t'ai states, "The profound principle of 'true entity' is the original Law of Myoho-renge-kyo."7 The Great Teacher Dengyo wrote, "The entity of ichinen sanzen is the Buddha who obtained enlightenment for himself, and that Buddha assumes no august attributes."8 Therefore this Gohonzon is the supreme mandala never before known, for it has not appeared until more than twenty-two hundred and twenty years after the Buddha's death.

  2. I am particularly interested in the bottom right side inscription on the unknown Nichiren? Gohonzon. Any help would be appreciated my dear Japanese or Japanese speaking readers.

    1. The following is the description of the bottom right side inscription

      Kyoto, General, True Mountain - the headquarters/head temple of Myo Manji (Myoman temple) mystic full. This is Kenpon Hokke Shu's Gohonzon as you would already know

  3. the nichikan no-honzon is lifeless. end of story.

  4. Kyoto General True Mountain - the headquarters/head temple of myo manji (Myoman temple) mystic full. This is Kenpon Hokke Shu's Gohonzon as you would already know.

    What is unknown about this Gohonzon if Nichiren created it?

  5. It is unknown if Nichiren actually did create the Gohonzon on the left, according to some scholars who have studied Nichiren calligraphy extensively. Regardless, it is a beautiful Gohonzon and were it not Nichiren who inscribed this Gohonzon, he was indeed a master of Nichiren's calligraphy.

    1. The most important thing is if it is a copy that nothing has been added on or taken away from the original as has been done if this is the case. The description of the bottom right side of the Myoman temple is kept separate so as to keep the Gohonzon pure

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    3. If Nichiren didn't open the eye of this Gohonzon, Then who did ? It is said that even if the inscription and meaning is the same as nichiren's description in the gosho [The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon] it will be different depending on the eye opener ! Hopefully our faith in the meaning/inscription will give us the benefit of the doubt overwho is the eye opener. This could override any doubts of the fear of the unknown.
      I think that if the inscription is the same as Nichiren's description anyone who believes in it through faith can open the eye of the Gohonzon

    4. My opinion is that this Gohonzon, the calligraphy is so beautiful and this Gohonzon so majestic that it is probably Nichiren and if not, This person did indeed grasp the essence of the Sutra.

    5. Yes, but some of Nichirens Gohonzons don't look as majestic as this one and that they don't have much detail.
      The later Gohonzon's seem to be more complete. I would like to see a map of the Dai Gohonzon !

    6. There is no high priest's signature who signed this Gohonzon as the Fuji line does. I don't know if the Nichiren Shu has the same tradition. If it is an exact copy, why would they?

      Niciren's signature is clear for all to see

      The Date on it is the 5 th April 1280. A month after the Shutei Gohonzon.

    7. Interesting. Thanks for the update. The Japanese fellow on Rhino horn blog would know, I bet.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Kyoto General True Mountain - the headquarters/head temple of myo manji (Myoman temple) mystic full (full on Mystic Temple)
      Look at the inscription on the upright rectangular stone block in the first photo. The six kanji characters are the same as the description of the bottom right side starting from bottom.

    10. This Gohonzon is then possesed by the Kempon Hokke, I would imagine.

    11. Yes that is right. It is from the Kempon Hokke Headquarters from within the Full-on Mystic Temple

  6. Hi Noel. Couldn't find a map in english.

    1. A Japanese one will do if you have one. Thanks


  8. Hi Mark, Could you see the Shutei Gohonzon in this link ?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Looks like there is certainly more than 125 Mandala's

    You can certainly see it in this link
