Saturday, April 26, 2014

Upcoming FNCC Conferences

"Upcoming  FNCC Conferences:

April 30-May 3 Practicing Buddhism As followers of sensei
May 7-10 President Ikeda and Health
May 14-17 President Ikeda and Love
June 4-7 Soka Spirit
June 11-14 Engaged Soka: Accepting President Ikeda's heart
June 18-21 Women and President Ikeda
June 25-28 Young Men and President Ikeda


  1. This was one of the reasons I resigned from SGI. I had a meeting with two leaders today who were asking the reason(s) for my leaving. The extreme focus on Ikeda was one I mentioned. Then one asked me if I ever attended FNCC. If I had, I guess it would have only reinfoced my opinion. Whew! Glad that's over!

  2. It is nothing more than an Ikeda indoctrination center. You need be more wary of the leaders than the alligators.
