Sunday, June 22, 2014

Listen up SGI worker drone shills, sincere though you may be

"Welcome aboard "Olderandwiser", 

The cult org. likes to grab magic numbers out of a hat (1 million daimoku, $10,000 U$D or equivalent, etc.) to have members strive for. The higher income bracket members get fed the "10,000" number, lower income members get fed the "1,000" or "500" magic numbers - its all tailored manipulation. Just think what they celebrity members get hit up for annually. Contributing to your "future fortune" bank, until you die. And now they have estate bequeathment "Planned Giving" to screw your loved ones over once you're gone, too. Lovely organization, isn't it. 

Pasqual was a very nice, sincere and devoted gentleman, from my experiences with him. Extremely dedicated and hard working for the cult org.. How sad that he was essentially a worker drone his entire life for the cult, an unknowing cult shill used to hook other credulous people into the cult org.. I saw him doing his schtick as far back as the 80's and a lot of "ordinary" members really looked up to and admired him a lot. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people like that in the $oka Gakkai cult, everywhere around the world; sincere dupes being manipulated and taken advantage of by a rich Japanese pseudo-buddhist cult organization. As the years pass, more and more, unfortunately, are not only living, but also dying, content in their ignorant delusions. Some, manage to open their eyes and escape, others, stick with it and eventually meet their individual respective fates. Look where Ikedaism got Mr. Williams for all of his hard work and devotion. IMO, if people couldn't see the writing on the wall after all of that (the priesthood schism and the Sadanaga sacking), they probably never will." -- Hitch

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