Saturday, June 28, 2014

The truth and only the truth about the Nichiren faith

Eagle Peak Blog 


  1. Follow the links at some of Marc's recent posts and learn the truth and only truth about the Nichiren faith.


    Follow the link mentioned in the above post and "learn" that the Japanese know virtually nothing about the Soka Gakkai besides what they read in tabloid magazines. But continue to scroll down to page 279 to read about how the Soka Gakkai's campaigns of both transforming the individual personalities of its individual followers and offering them and the general public broad peace and environmental educational programs, shows ample evidence of the profound effect on Soka Gakkai members, even if the rest of society hasn't benefited yet. This sounds like Rissho Ankoku Ron, and maybe if the rest of Japan followed Soka Gakkai's Nichiren Buddhism (instead of less than 10% of the population) the peace of the land would be assured.

    Continue scrolling down to page 281 and learn that the Soka Gakkai built good relationships with China in the 1960s and acted as a go-between in strengthening ties between Japan and China which were finalised in 1972, as well as striving to improve relationships with other Asian countries.


    You can focus on the non-existing flip-flop that Mark is trying to imply or confirm the facts at the link he's posted and also learn that in March 2011 "In the wake of the March 11 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disasters that devastated northeastern Japan, Sōka Gakkai housed in excess of 5,000 refugees in Culture Centers across the region, gathered hundreds of millions of yen in emergency aid, and mobilized thousands of volunteers from across Japan to take part in both short- and long-term rescue and relief initiatives"

    I have never come across the first article or this second website, but thanks to Mark's mission for Eagle Peak Blog to be "the truth and only truth about the Nichiren faith" in the last 24 hours he has linked to an article that says that members of the Soka Gakkai benefit from their practice and I've also learnt that the Soka Gakkai played a key role in building ties between Japan and China and were involved in providing shelter for 5,000 victims of the tsunami as well as providing volunteers and millions of dollars in aid to support short and long term rescue and relief initiatives.

    This is why I read Eagle Peak's blog. There is a lot of stuff to sift through, some of it satire, some of anti-SGI, some of it pure Nichiren faith, but ultimately there are things which confirm that the Soka Gakkai is worth practising with.

  2. The truth is out there on this site, but sometimes you may need to read between the lines.

    Are there negative stories recounting SGI-USA member's experiences of being raped and being told not to report it, or numerous experiences of members being bullied and disrespected by leaders? Yes there are. (Too many on this site to link to a specific case)

    But then there are also posts mocking the SGI-USA leaders contract, saying "Real Buddhas don't need no stinkin' code of conduct." (

    In an ideal world you wouldn't need a code of conduct, but as everyone (including real buddhas) are susceptible to all three thousand realms in a single moment, they may not always act with the wisdom, courage and compassion they should.

    Some of the sections of the contract say not to engage in or condone sexual misconduct and to respect the dignity of each person. Personally, while I agree a contract shouldn't be necessary (and doesn't guarantee that leaders will stick to it), I think if there is one which lays down the expected behaviour of leaders, this should be seen as a positive thing, especially if it can be used to hold leaders to account for egotistical or bullying behaviour

    Is there a post in which Mark talks about being purely focused on gakkai activities to the detriment of his family, work and spiritual growth? Yes there is. (

    But then in the same month he also posts disparagingly about what the SGI is really about (

    in that post he quotes from a book by Murata in which Toda says members must be financially successful and successful at work, and calls members sacrilegious if they only engage in religious activity to the detriment of their work. In "The Human Revolution", another bugbear of this blog, Toda says we are not peddlars of religion, but says that men must become good fathers, good husbands, good workers and good members of society.

    Again, if we were to focus on "What the SGI is really about" (serving your lord (or being a good employee), being a good husband and father and an outstanding member of society, you wouldn't be able to ignore your family, work or spiritual wellbeing no matter what a misguided leader might say to you.

    The truth is out there and it can be found on the Eagle Peak blog. But sometimes you need to sift through a lot of negative experiences and misdirection to find it.

    The SGI is about proving the effectiveness of Nichiren Buddhism through your daily life. It's not about excluding yourself from society by attending 20 meetings or activities a month or devoting every minute of the day to meaningless tasks and routines. It's about contributing to society in a positive way, inspiring others through the way you deal with and overcome every obstacle you face. It's about studying the Gosho, chanting daimoku and introducing friends and family to the practice if you think it's worthwhile.

    If I saw a movie with a boring plot, unrealistic characters and despite a 90 minute running time it felt like it would never end, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

    In the same way, while Buddhism may sometimes be challenging, especially when tackling some situations, unless I joyfully overcome obstacles, enjoy practising with my district and find my faith supports my daily life, rather than just replacing it, I won't be able to shakubuku or encourage others.

  3. nichiren buddhist(ha, ha), in
    terms off the lotus sutra and what nichiren taught , what exactly makes the gakkai worth practicing with?

  4. Here are a few more flip flops for you to ponder "Nichiren" Buddhist:

    Part 1


    "Implicit in the March 16 ceremony was his [President Toda's]
    profound instruction that kosen-rufu must
    be carried out based solely on the Head Temple --
    guidance which we must take deeply to heart. In
    this connection, the sixty-sixth high priest, Nittatsu
    Shonin, gave us guidance to the effect that the
    ceremony in which we common mortals come to
    the Head Temple and chant daimoku to the
    Dai-Gohonzon, which embodies the life of the
    Buddha of beginningless time, is the most fundamental
    one. I want you to understand that our March 16
    Kosen-rufu Day may be considered one form of
    "kosen-rufu ceremony," which we carry out under
    the mercy of the high priest, who, as the great
    leader of kosen-rufu, directs us toward the Dai-Gohonzon."
    Daisaku Ikeda, Seikyo Times, March 1986, p. 10

    "The concept of manifesting the Buddha nature
    inherent in an insentient image through the "eye opening
    ceremony," thus making it an object of worship, also
    applies to the Gohonzon..." Soka Gakkai MWND, Vol 4,
    1994 revised edition.

    "...the Gohonzons that we recieve are also the living flesh
    of the Original Buddha whose eyes have been opened according
    to the principles of the actual Ichinen Sanzen in the passages hidden
    in depths of the Juryo Chapter and the true attainment of Buddhahood
    by plants and trees. Why would this very Gohonzon not be
    the true aspect of the eye opening of wooden and painted images?
    This is absolutely not found in the heretical sects outside of
    Nichiren Shoshu, and is a profoundly secret doctrine which only
    Nichiren Shoshu possesses." Daisaku Ikeda Soka Gakkai Daibyaku Renge

    "... the ceremony in which we common mortals come to the head
    temple and daimoku to the Dai-Gohonzon, which embodies the life of
    he Buddha of beginningless time, is the most fundamental one."
    Daisaku Ikeda, Seikyo Times, March 1986, p. 10

    "From the time our predecessor Makiguchi sensei, the Gakkai
    has progressed according to the great spirit of not concerning ourselves
    in any way concerning the position of the High Priest. In the future as well,
    we will be consistent with this spirit. Those who violate this, even if they
    are top leaders, are to be immediately expelled. This has to be
    the spirit of believers."
    Daisaku Ikeda, Seikyo Shimbun, 1/29/56

    Each and every one of Shakyamuini's words tells
    us that it was right for SGI to separate itself from the
    ruinous [High Priest] Nikken sect. The SGI is
    advancing straight along the "path to glory." The Nikken
    sect is sliding irrevocably down the "path to ruin."
    I want to make this perfectly clear to you all."
    Daisaku Ikeda, World Tribune, September 13, 1993

    1. Not really worth talking about this one, but here goes... in Japan as well as belonging to a temple, there is also a tradition of forming a lay Buddhist organisation affiliated with a temple. Most of these would be small local groups, but as the Soka Gakkai grew it became a nationwide organisation that started to develop its own identity as well as being affiliated with the local temples (often build through Soka Gakkai contributions especially in areas of great propagation). Leaders of the Soka Gakkai encouraged members to respect and remain in rhythm with the temple to maintain a harmonious relationship between the priesthood and laity based on the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu. Also at that time the only way to "read" the Gosho was through the readings and interpretations of the priesthood. With the widespread publication of the gosho and the growing arrogance of the priesthood, the Soka Gakkai split with the temple to become an autonomous lay Buddhist organisation and changed some of their policies in line with the corruption they saw within the priesthood. As leaders of an organisation the presidents and senior leaders opinions and speeches both before and after the split are public record and permanently available.

      On the other hand, Mark Rogow simply deletes his blog when he changes his allegiance to a Buddhist order. So while a few years back he would have been praising the Soka Gakkai, he now disparages them. And while recently he had a whole blog criticising every school, and praising the Kempon Hokke as the only Buddhist order practising Buddhism correctly, he now distances himself from them. Luckily, unless someone has taken the time to copy and paste every post he made in the past, these views and opinions are now deleted from online. But even if they were available, I have no problem at all with Mark changing his attitude towards the Kempon Hokke and their priesthood if he felt they were deviating from the teachings of Nichiren.

      Maybe in the future if the Lotus Sutra Society continues to expand and other members or leaders disagree with him, he will move on to form a True Lotus Sutra Society.

      Maybe if the SGI was still closely tied to the Nichiren Shoshu temple as it was thirty years ago, Mark would have more respect for us, but I doubt it.

    2. "The Soka Gakkai split with the temple to become an autonomous lay Buddhist organisation."

      So you admit the Gakkai itself orchestrated the excommunication. Good for you. Then why blame the priests. Why the invectives and hate? Why call Nikken an octopus? So phony.

      Well, if you consider 19 years a few years back, then yes, I praised the Gakkai because I failed to adequately study the teachings and believe Nichiren and my own eyes.

      What do my flip flops have to do with the Daisaku Ikeda's and the Soka Gakkai's, or Obama's, or Cameron's? The difference is that I don't hold my self to be faultless, to be free from error but the Gakkai and Daisaku ikeda? its enough to puke. I can show you.

  5. Part 2:


    "It's no good unless these three, an excellent Law, an excellent
    master and an excellent lay believer, are all present. Nam Myoho
    Renge Kyo is of course the excellent Law. Furthermore, the High
    Priests are the only ones who have recieved the Daishonin's teachings,
    and as our masters, have transmitted to us the Daishonin's innermost
    enlightenment exactly as it is with nothing lacking during 64 transmissions.
    Therefore, when we worship the Dai-Gohonzon through the High Priest, benefits
    will definitely come our way." The Complete Writings Of Josei Toda, Vol. 4, p. 399

    "We, ourselves, cannot produce the Gohonzon. Since it's
    the enlightened entity of Nichiren Daishonin,
    no one has the authority other than the successive
    high priests who have been the sole heirs to the
    heritage of the True Law. We take no part in this.
    Therefore, the objects of worship inscribed by those
    in the Butsuryu and Minobu factions [of the Nichiren
    Shu sect] are absolutely powerless. They are worthless
    because they are fake. In fact, they contain the
    power of evil spirits. That is why they are dangerous."
    Former SGI president, Josei Toda, Daibyaku Renge, 98, p. 98.

    "Members of the Minobu school of the Nichiren sect
    chant daimoku. They have the Gosho Their
    recitation of the sutra also includes the Hoben and
    Juryo chapters. And, in the Shoshinkai, which consists
    of ex-priests of Nichiren Shoshu , and the portions
    of the sutra they recite and the daimoku that they
    chant are identical to the practice we observe.
    Though their religion may seem the same as ours, they
    lack the single, unbroken heritage of the law
    recieved directly from Nichiren Daishonin. If one's faith is
    not based on this line of inheritance, it is worthless
    to embrace any Gohonzon, for no benefit will be
    forthcoming. That is to say, "Without the lifeblood of faith,
    it would be useless to embrace the Lotus Sutra." "
    Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhism in Action, vol 3, p 254

    "What we must keep in mind here is that concerning the Lifeblood
    there is the specific Lifeblood of the entity of the Law, and the general
    lifeblood of faith. We must clearly differentiate between the two.
    In short, the Lifeblood of the Entity of the Law, the very life of Nichiren
    Daishonin, who is the reincarnation of the Buddha of Absolute Freedom,
    is the ultimate Lifeblood, the most important matter concerning
    life and death. The entity of the law which reveals the life of
    the Daishonin in it's exact state, is the Dai-Gohonzon of Nam
    Myoho Renge Kyo. That Lifeblood which is passed on and protected
    by the successive High Priests of the conferral of the Lifeblood of
    the Law recieved by only a single person." Daisaku Ikeda, Lectures on
    Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho, Vol. 30, p. 58


    "... we must deeply understand that the heritage of the
    universal Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can only
    be transmitted through organizations [SGI] joined in
    unity, based on faith in Nichiren Daishonin's
    Buddhism and the principle of the oneness of master
    and disciple." November 9, 1992 World Tribune

    "Today the only true inheritor of the Daishonin's
    way of master and disciple is the Soka Gakkai. I
    declare this unequivocally. That's why the Soka
    Gakkai is so important. Without our organization, the
    True Law would be utterly lost. There would be
    no way to save humanity. That is why supporting and
    defending the Soka Gakkai are the same as
    defending and advancing the Daishonin's Buddhism."
    Daisaku Ikeda, World Tribune, September 14, 1992

    1. See answer above. If the attitude and behaviour of the priesthood changes, the focus of the guidance to a lay organisation will also change if it has encouraged people to rely on the wisdom of the priests.

      "It's no good unless these three, an excellent Law, an excellent
      master and an excellent lay believer, are all present."

      The SGI hasn't deviated from this, they just believe that the excellent master is no longer the high priest but the president of the SGI and the Daishonin.

      I'm sure before he moved to the Kempon Hokke, Mark shakubuku'd people to join the SGI. And Mark no longer recommends, as he did two or three years ago, that people nned to practise with the Kempon Hokke? Is it because he no longer values the wisdom, guidance or direction of the Kempon Hokke priests?

      There's no controversy here. And, if we turn to guidance from 2014 rather than words from twenty, thirty or forty years ago, President Ikeda recently wrote: "[At] the Soka Gakkai General Meeting held on May 3, 1954, ... President Toda declared that the essence of the Soka Gakkai spirit is "to return to the time of the Daishonin." What he meant by this, he said, is for each of us to take the Daishonin's spirit as his own and strive to help others embrace faith in the Mystic Law and realize genuine happiness. ... Let us ensure that this vow of May 3 - embodying the Soka Gakkai spirit and directly connected to the spirit of the Daishonin - is transmitted to the future and endures for all eternity." Daisaku Ikeda, 3 May 2014

    2. What about the DaiGohonzon and Nichiren as Original Buddha? What about the prime point of the Lotus Sutra being M/D? what about interfaith. You can't have two masters. There are not two suns in the sky. The teachings of Ikeda are incompatible with those of the Daishonin. Even were it one doctrine that deviates from Nichiren's that would be too much. Likewise for the Nichiren Shoshu, the Nichiren shu, and the Kempon Hokke. I thought the Kempon hokke was in accord with the teachings of Nichiren. I found out differently. Now I go directly to the source. Those who also go directly to the source, those who are scriptural Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhists, are my comrades and fellow Bodhisattvas of the Earth. Those who don't are enemies of Buddhism. There is no middle ground. There is no gray area. The stakes are too important.

  6. Part 3:


    "The Dai-Gohonzon of the high sanctuary of true
    Buddhism at the Nichiren Shoshu head temple,
    Taiseki-ji, is the basis of all Gohonzons. The
    Gohonzon, which we are allowed to recieve so that we can
    pray in our own homes, can be inscribed only by
    one of the successive high priests who inherit the true
    lineage of Nichiren Shoshu." Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhism
    in Action, vol. 1, pg. 21

    "It goes without saying that our Soka Gakkai is an
    organization of Nichiren Shoshu believers. Therefore,
    worshipping the Dai-Gohonzon and serving the
    high priest is the fundamental spirit of the Gakkai."
    Daisaku Ikeda, Inaugural address of president Ikeda, 1960
    "The basis of Nichiren Shoshu is the Lifeblood recieved only by
    a single person. To faithfully follow the High Priest of the bequethal of the
    Lifeblood is the correct way for priests and laybelievers. If one is
    mistaken about this single point, then everything will become insane."
    Daisaku Ikeda, Discussing Kosen-rufu and Human Life, Vol. 3, p. 32


    "Thus, Nichiren Daishonin teaches us to treat the
    SGI members who work for Kosenrufu with greater
    respect than anyone else, and we must seat them
    high above esteemed priests." Daisaku Ikeda, World
    Tribune, March 14, 1994

    "The [High Priest] Nikken sect, claiming that the High
    Priest's inner enlightenment and the Gohonzon are
    "the two indivisible entities of the Object of Worship,"
    is using the Gohonzon and estabishing the "High
    Priest creed." ibid.

    1. More "blah blah blah" as Mark's friend Greg would say. You are just repeating the same thing over and over. i.e. Before the SGI split with the priesthood they recommended that members follow the priests. After the split they didn't recommend members follow the priests.

    2. I guess now Ikeda is repudiating all his honors and awards?

      Part 1


      Sanmibo had lectured to the court noble and won approval.
      He reported this to the Daishonin, certain that his master would
      praise him. Contrary to his expectations, however, the Daishonin
      severely reprimanded him. It is likely that the Daishonin had long
      been aware of Sanmibo's desire for fame. He always bent his
      mind on discerning the inclinations of his disciples in order to lead correctly and help them to perfect themselves. There was no way for Sanmibo's mention of "the great honor" to escape the Daishonin's attention. The Daishonin clearly saw the disciple's fundamental nature reflected in this short phrase. Based on this sign he attempted to purge Sanmibo of his undesirable traits.

      "Even if you should meet a bodhisattva of the highest rank, why should you think it anything special? Much less should you stand in awe of even Bonten or Taishaku. They are the servants of our father, Sakyamuni Buddha, who have been sent by him to govern his domain and support the priests who embrace the True Law. Bishamon and the other heavenly kings rule over the four quarters as guards appointed by Bonten and Taishaku. The rulers of the four continents are all the retainers of the four heavenly kings. But the ruler of this little island country of Japan would not
      even qualify as a retainer of the Wheel-Rolling Kings who reign over the four continents. He is nothing but an island chieftain."

      This passage reveals that Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is the only religion capable of saving mankind for all time. The Dai-Gohonzon which we worship is called "the object of worship bestowed on the world," signifying that the unbounded mercy of the True Buddha and the infinite power of Nam~myoho~renge-kyo will benefit the people everywhere on earth from now on to eternity. The scope of the Daishonin's Buddhism is by no means limited to one country alone. Nor is it a teaching like state-established religions of the past which allowed their leaders to remain comfortable in seats of authority and power. At various
      times in the past, a few people have tried to glorify Nichiren Daishonin as an ultranationalist or to establish his Buddhism as the official religion of the nation, but their actions only served to degrade true Buddhism and narrow its range. Let me cite an example. When militarism was on the upsurge in Japan,
      one of the other sects published a collection of lectures on the Daishonin's works, including this Gosho. However, in that book the part of this Gosho which refers to the ruler of Japan as nothing but an island chieftain was omitted. The authorities had probably demanded that this portion be removed. We can clearly see how much the deleted part opposed the nationalistic
      mentality prevalent in Japan in those days. And the very act to delete it was an outright attempt to cheapen the Daishonin's Buddhism.

    3. Part 2

      "But the ruler of this little island country of Japan would not even qualify as a retainerof the Wheel-Rolling Kings who reign over the four continents. He is nothing but an island chieftain." This clearly shows the way Nichiren Daishonin looked at those
      who ruled Japan. With his broad perspective he was concerned with saving people all over the world. What grand vision he had! Always recalling his supreme state of life, we ourselves should live on cheerfully and dynamically, taking a broad view of everything.

      By calling the retainer of this chieftain "his excellency," exulting over
      "his gracious invitation" and, what is more, by speaking of "the great honor" you had, are you not in essence expressing your low opinion of me, Nichiren?

      From Sanmibo's letter the Daishonin saw that he held court nobles-that is, people of social standing-in high esteem and considered it a great honor to lecture on Buddhism to them. The Daishonin severely reprimanded the disciple for having such an attitude, because he realized that Sanmibo now based his life on worldly honor and no longer on Buddhism as he should. What is the greatest honor in life? It is to embrace the Mystic Law as
      disciples of the True Buddha. This is exactly what The Entity of Enlightenment means when it states, "Outcasts in the Latter Day are even more respectworthy than the kings and ministers during the two thousand years of the Former and Middle Days." As long as we stand on this spirit, the status or position of those to whom we teach the Law is of no consequence whatsoever.

      Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism treats all people equally. We teach the Law to a nobleman in exactly the same way as we do to an ordinary person. For Sanmibo to boast of "the great honor" to lecture for a court noble obviously ran counter to the Daishonin's true intention. What, then, is the true honor for
      us Buddhists? I cannot help but recall the final passage in the Precepts for Youth written by my master. It states, "For a wise person it is a shame to be praised by a fool. But for him to be praised by the Buddha is a lifelong honor. Be resolved to lay down your lives in front of the Cohonzon." These are quite strong words, but they boldly depict the kind of life we should lead in order to deserve true honor. Sanmibo had been "praised by a fool," which he mistook for a 'great honor."

    4. Part 3

      He had clearly strayed into the pitfall of seeking secular fame and fortune. A passage in Nikko Shonin's Twenty-six Articles of Warning states, "Those believers who are bent on obtaining honor and profit and are lax in their study of Buddhism shall not be called my disciples." With his own eyes Nikko Shonin
      had seen Sanmibo and others become tempted by fame and fortune and led to violate the Daishonin's admonition. He must have been filled with grief when he wrote the above article.

      For us Buddhists there is no greater honor than to be "praised by the Buddha." Keeping this in mind, I want you to live your whole lives filled with great pride to know that you are members of the Soka Gakkai. For this is the only organization which has continued to practice exactly as the True Buddha teaches.
      As a result it has suffered all sorts of persecution, criticism and slander and, overcoming them all, has advanced a broad movement that is unprecedented in this history of Buddhism.

      I recall my master's guidance at a meeting of the Suiko Kai in its early days. Perhaps you remember my mentioning it in the novel, The Human Revolution (see the Seikyo Times, November 1976, p.41). At that meeting, one of the youths asked President Toda, "Sir, people often tell us to go home loaded with honors. How should we consider this in our positions?" My master replied,
      "You boys seem to think that you can return to your hometowns in glory only after you have attained success or fame. To become the president of a well known enterprise, a university professor or a Cabinet minister-that may be glory for those outside of our organization. Yet no one knows how long such glory will last."

      Or is it OK for the mentor but not the disciples.Your Sensei should practice what he preaches.

    5. "All These Honors"

      "The honorary doctorates and professorships I have recieved
      from academic institutions around the world now total 55. I have
      been advised of the bestowal of several more such honors in the
      near future, which will bring the number to well over 60... I hope you will be proud of this. I have absolutely no doubt that this good fortune and benefit flows directly to you and your descendants." -- Daisaku Ikeda Oct 23 1998 World Tribune

  7. Part 4:


    "Needless to say, the Dai-Gohonzon of the high
    sanctuary inscribed for all mankind is the most
    fundamental basis of the movement for the Nichiren
    Shoshu Soka Gakkai [they have since changed the
    name to SGI]. The Dai-Gohonzon has been preserved
    and handed down within Nichiren Shoshu from
    the founder, Nichiren Daishonin, to his successor,
    Nikko Shonin, and then to the third high priest,
    Nichimoku Shonin, up to the present 67th high
    priest, Nikken Shonin. I hope, therefore, that we will
    courageously dedicate ourselves to studying
    Nichiren Daishonin's teachings in order to deepen our faith
    and to propagation true Buddhism in each country
    or community, as we follow the high priest's
    guidance, and respect the traditions and doctrines
    of Nichiren Shoshu." Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhism in Action, '
    vol 1, p 33

    "We conduct the third prayer to express our deepest
    appreciation to Nichiren Daishonin, the Buddha of
    the Latter Day of the Law. In this third silent prayer,
    we also offer our gratitude to Nikko Shonin, the
    second high priest and the fouder of Taisekiji. Further,
    we offer our appreciation to the third high priest,
    Nichimoku Shonin, and all the successive high priests
    of Nichiren Shoshu, each of whom transmitted
    the heritage of the Law to the next. Presently, as
    you know, the 67th high priest, Nikken Shonin, has
    inherited the Law. Now he is the master of true Buddhism."
    Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhism in action, vol 1, p 107

    "...we must protect and transmit the essence of the traditions and doctrines
    that have been continually protected for over 700 years, since the time of
    the Daishonin. I am concerned that unless we make this our basis, that no matter how much we temporarily increase in power, we would be unable to
    avoid the criticism of future generations that our Kosen-rufu was a sham."
    Daisaku Ikeda, Daibyaku Renge, No. 333, p. 13

    "That which forms the basis of Nichiren Shoshu is the Lifeblood.
    With the Dai-Gohonzon as the basis, the successive High Priests
    alone recieve and inherit this Lifeblood, and preserve it eternally."
    Daisaku Ikeda, Discussing Kosen-rufu and Human Life, Vol. 3, p. 256

    "The Great Pure Law of the Latter day of the Law is transmitted
    by the successive High Priests of the bequethal of the lifeblood
    of the Law recieved by only a single person, and they inscribe
    the Gohonzon for us believers from that standpoint." Daisaku
    Ikeda, Discussing Kosen-rufu and Human Life, Vol. 4, p. 6


    Furthermore, in light of the true meaning of the Daishonin's
    Buddhism, it is a great mistake to think that
    only the high priest is vested with authority regarding the
    Gohonzon merely because of his position
    and title. World Tribune, Sept. 13, 1993

    "The faith of "not begruging one's life," life based on the
    Gohonzon ...such faith exists only in the Soka
    Gakkai. Only the Soka Gakkai possesses "action"
    aimed toward the goal of kosen-rufu, and correct
    "guidance" leading to happiness."
    Daisaku Ikeda, World Tribune, Jan. 17, 1994

    1. As above. More of the before the priesthood split vs. after the priesthood split comments.

      Only Kempon Hokke is practising based on the strict teaching of Nichiren Shonin vs. Only the Lotus Sutra Society is practising based on the strict teaching of Nichiren Shonin.

    2. What does Nichiren say? "Good by the inch invites evil by the yard." The SGI should disband and start from scratch.At the very least, you should reevaluate your allegiance.

  8. Part 5:


    However, such criticisms [that the practice of Shakubuku
    is too harsh] were only based on the superficial
    understanding of common mortals which is incomparably
    inferior to the understanding of the original
    Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin. Rather than reprimanding
    them, Nichiren Daishonin describes the
    cowardice, timidity and ignorance of those disciples as "pitiful."
    Today, a similar situation has arisen. Faithless disciples
    criticized High Priest Nikken, who is the only
    legitimate inheritor of the Law as the "emissary" of the
    original Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin. Those who
    for whatever reasons criticize the high priest are
    traitors against the orthodox lineage of Nichiren
    Shoshu. Buddhism in Action, By Daisaku Ikeda,
    1984 ed., pages 273-274


    "Today, I would just like to point out that, if the
    priesthood is earnestly saying that, "to go against the
    high priest is slander," then they are only going to
    get caught in their own trap." Daisaku Ikeda, World
    Tribune, Jan. 17, 1994


    "The Dai-Gohonzon of the high sanctuary of true
    Buddhism at the Nichiren Shoshu head temple,
    Taiseki-ji, is the basis of all Gohonzons. The Gohonzon,
    which we are allowed to recieve so that we can
    pray in our own homes, can be inscribed only by
    one of the successive high priests who inherit the true
    lineage of Nichiren Shoshu." Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhism
    in Action, vol. 1, pg. 21

    "Only the successive High Priests of the conferral of the Lifeblood of the
    Law inscribe the Gohonzons we recieve based upon the principle that he is
    an emination of the Buddha." Daisaku Ikeda, Discussing Kosen-rufu and
    Human Life, Vol. 1, p. 112


    "At the present time, the Soka Gakkai itself is the one and only
    group of united priests which receives and inherits the 'lifeblood of
    faith.'" (Seikyo Shinbun, 9/18/93)

    "Lay believers who, among all the people in the world,
    embrace, believe in and practice the True Law...can also
    be said to be the treasure of the priest"

    "The status of the successive High Priests is lower than that
    of the treasure of the priest.Lay believers who are disciples of the
    Daishonin individually represent the treasure of the priest"

    "It can be said that the priests and lay believers
    all individually represent the treasure of the priest"
    Speech by Soka Gakkai DIkeda
    World Fibune, Sept. 30, 1991

    "Now that we have clearly separated ourselves from Nichiren
    Shoshu, let us firmly establish a religion for human beings..."
    Daisaku Ikeda, Sept. 1993 Daibyaku Renge (SGI)

    "If even a good priest sees someone slandering the Law and
    disregards him, failing to reproach him, to oust him or to punish
    him for his offense, then that priest is betraying Buddhism. But if he takes
    the slanderer severely to task, drives him off or punishes him,
    then he is my dsciple and one who truly understands my
    teachings." -- The Nirvana Sutra Explainig Why SGI/Ikeda was
    Taken to Task and Driven off

    "From the time our predecessor Makiguchi sensei, the Gakkai
    has progressed according to the great spirit of not concerning ourselves
    in any way concerning the position of the High Priest. In the future as well,
    we will be consistent with this spirit. Those who violate this, even if they
    are top leaders, are to be immediately expelled. This has to be
    the spirit of believers." Daisaku Ikeda Explains Why He Was Expelled,
    Seikyo Shimbun, 1/29/79

    1. And again. I don't know how long you were with the SGI, but if it was before the priesthood, Mark's philosophy is:

      TWO DAYS AGO - Only Nichiren Shoshu is practising based on the strict teaching of Nichiren Shonin

      DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY - Only the SGI is practising based on the strict teaching of Nichiren Shonin

      YESTERDAY - Only Kempon Hokke is practising based on the strict teaching of Nichiren Shonin

      TODAY - Only the Lotus Sutra Society is practising based on the strict teaching of Nichiren Shonin.

      TOMORROW - Only [insert name] is practising based on the strict teaching of Nichiren Shonin

    2. Since you are wont to repeat yourself:

      What do my flip flops have to do with the Daisaku Ikeda's and the Soka Gakkai's, or Obama's, or Cameron's? The difference is that I don't hold my self to be faultless, to be free from error but the Gakkai and Daisaku Ikeda? its enough to puke. I can show you.

  9. Yes indeed "Nichiren" Buddhist, let's talk about Ikeda's flip flops. Would you like to see the doozy of all doozies "Nichiren" Buddhist? The flip flop that Shakyamuni Buddha and not Nichiren Daishonin is the Eternal Buddha? I think I can dig this one up too. You are out of your league "Nichiren" Buddhist because I present documentation of nearly everything I say and you offer merely arbitrary opinions.

    1. FIRST is Nichiren a Buddha or a Bodhisattva?

      Because within various gosho, Nichiren refers to his true identity as Bodhisattva Jogyo this is enough for some schools of Nichiren Buddhism, but for Nichiren Shoshu / SGI he is also a Buddha.

      In "The Opening of the Eyes" Nichiren writes "There are three categories of people that all human beings should respect. They are the sovereign, the teacher, and the parent." (WND-1, p220) and he then compares various philosophies and religions in accordance with which of these virtues/qualities they possess.

      In chapter 3 of the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni says "But now this threefold world is all my domain [I AM THE SOVEREIGN] and the living beings in it are all my children [I AM THE PARENT]. Now this place is beset by many pains and trials I am the only person who can rescue and protect others." [I AM THETEACHER]

      In the conclusion to "The Opening of the Eyes", Nichiren writes "I, Nichiren, am sovereign, teacher, and father and mother to all the people of Japan." (WND-1, 287) Other schools' translations, such as Nichiren Shu, translate this sentence as "I Nichiren am like a compassionate parent of everyone in Japan." (WNS-2, p114) but in a later letter - "Ichinosawa Nyudo Gosho" - Nichiren writes "I am the father and mother of the people of Japan, their lord and their eminent teacher." (WNS-6, p166) or (WND-1, 531)

      Nichiren Shoshu / SGI take this comparison of having the same three qualities of Shakyamuni as evidence that Nichiren is announcing he is the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law (not just Bodhisattva Jogyo)

    2. So who is the ORIGINAL BUDDHA?

      From my own understanding (based on studies with district leaders in Japan) , the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's writings, within the Nichiren Shoshu / SGI Shakyamuni is sometimes referred to as:

      (ii) the ORIGINAL BUDDHA (but from the perspective of the originally recorded Buddha)
      (iii) the ETERNAL BUDDHA (in line with constant revelations of Buddhahood in previous lifetimes in chapter 16 of the Lotus Sutra)

      NICHIREN is referred to as:
      (i) The ORIGINAL BUDDHA (meaning the very first Buddha at the time of kuon ganjo - time without beginning)
      (ii) The ETERNAL BUDDHA (meaning the Buddha that has existed since the time of kuon ganjo)
      (iii) The TRUE BUDDHA (meaning the Buddha that has existed since the time of kuon ganjo)
      (iv) The BUDDHA OF THE LATTER DAY OF THE LAW (when he "dies" on Tatsunokuchi beach and his soul goes to Sado Island)

      In the Devadatta chapter Shakyamuni talks about a King who was searching for the Law and a seer who taught him the Lotus Sutra, and explains that he, Shakyamuni, was the King and Devedatta was the Seer who taught him the Law. He says, "The fact that I have attained impartial and correct enlightenment and can save living beings on a broad scale is all due to Devadatta, who was a good friend.” (LSOC12, 211)

      So we can see that as well as being a Buddha, Shakyamuni has also been a disciple of a Buddha.

    3. In Chapter 16 he talks about "the beginning" and says, "Thus, since I became a Buddha a very long time has passed, a lifetime of innumerable countless eons of constantly living here and never entering extinction. Good sons, from the beginning I have practiced the bodhisattva way ...".

      Here Shakyamuni is saying that at the time without beginning (kuon ganjo) he practiced the bodhisattva way - he wasn't originally a Buddha, but did become one when he was taught the Lotus Sutra. So who was Shakyamuni's original teacher, that taught him the bodhisattva way? It couldn't have been Shakyamuni, because he couldn't have taught himself the bodhisattva way. Maybe it was Devadatta again in another form, but from the perspective of Nichiren Shoshu and the SGI, we believe that the teacher of Shakyamuni at the start of time without beginning was Nichiren Daishonin.

      Why? Because while Shakyamuni, the first recorded Buddha taught the Lotus Sutra, it was Nichiren Daishonin that established and propagated the practice of chanting NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO.

      Returning to the Gosho, Nichiren writes about the Gohonzon, " I, Nichiren, have inscribed my life in sumi ink, so believe in the Gohonzon with your whole heart. The Buddha’s will is the Lotus Sutra, but the soul of Nichiren is nothing other than Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. " (WND-1, 412)

      President Toda taught that "Shakyamuni was the first Buddha in recorded history, but from the viewpoint of eternal life clarified in Buddhism, Nichiren Daishonin is the original Buddha who awakened all other Buddhas to the truth of ‘life’ and the universe. ...In other words, Nichiren Daishonin is the ‘life’ of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo while Shakyamuni attained enlightenment by following Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo."

    4. Finally, returning to the "Opening of the Eyes" Nichiren writes, “On the twelfth day of the ninth month of last year, between the hours of the rat and the ox (11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.), this person named Nichiren was beheaded. It is his soul that has come to this island of Sado” (WND-1, 269).

      As we know, Nichiren didn't die and was saved by a comet which frightened the executioner, so here he is implying that he caste off his transient existence, as Nichiren the man (who died at Tatsunokuchi beach), and his true identity as Nichiren, the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law, and his soul, the emdodiment of "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" (the original Buddha from time without beginning) arrived at Sado Island.

      So, as well as directly stating, in some Gosho that he is Bodhisattva Jogyo, he also implies that his soul is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. He is the ORIGINAL Buddha that taught Shakyamuni the Lotus Sutra at the time without beginning and he is also the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law.

  10. "In an ideal world you wouldn't need a code of conduct, but as everyone (including real buddhas) are susceptible to all three thousand realms in a single moment, they may not always act with the wisdom, courage and compassion they should." -- "Nichiren Buddhist"

    I don't think "pedophile" or "child abuser" is one of the honorific titles of a Buddha. All you would have had to have said is "potential Buddhas" and I would have agreed with you [and so would the SGI dictionary]. Even a dung beetle according to Nagarjuna and Nichiren is a potential Buddha. I think Ikeda and SGI top senior leaders are lower than dung beetles. They are leeches but they too will attain Buddhahood after countless kalpas in the Avici Hell.

    1. Sorry, I meant to say potential Buddhas, but just picked up on your phrase "Real Buddhas don't need no stinkin code of conduct" Obviously a real Buddha possesses infinite wisdom, compassion and courage so wouldn't even consider acting in a way which would harm others.

      I think the point is, it is very rare to find someone that manifests their Buddhahood 24/7 and most leaders, even those striving to reveal their Buddhahood in every moment, will sometimes fall short of that ideal. Through my practise and faith I manage to live the majority of my life in the higher worlds, but there will be occasions that some of the lower worlds sneak in.

      In the UK we don't have a code of conduct and I strive to live my life based on the Lotus Sutra and the Gosho, treating the members in my district with respect and providing a positive role model of a Nichiren Buddhist, rather than resorting to bullying and intimidation.

      Incidentally, while Buddhas may not need a code of conduct, in Chapter 14 of the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni mentions some guidelines for bodhisattvas associating with others while preaching the Law in the evil age of the Latter Day.

      ""Nor should a bodhisattva-mahasattva take a woman's body as the mark of something that can produce thoughts of desire; but even when preaching dharma to her, he should have no desire to see her. If he enters another's house, he does not talk with girls, or maidens or widows. Nor does he approach the five kinds of unmanly men in order to be friendly with or close to them. He does not enter another's house alone. When there is a condition under which he absolutely must enter alone, he single-mindedly recalls the Buddha. If he preaches the dharma to a woman, he does not bare his teeth when smiling, nor show his chest." (Hurvitz, 192)

      As a strict follower of the Lotus Sutra and bodhisattva I trust that you don't talk with little girls and unmanly men or smile when teaching the Dharma to women.

    2. Again, The Lotus Sutra is addresssing the Bodhisattvas not Buddhas. Are you denying that the SGI deceives their members that they are already Buddhas? Still, despite your usual lifestate of Humanity [treating others with respect] what SGI doctrines do you teach the members that destroys the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren? Minor good, according to Nichiren is really a great evil.

  11. Really, "Nichiren" Buddhist, look what they've done to you: Defending the indefensible and lying for the SGI cult. Another flip flop is that Daisaku Ikeda used to teach that performing shakubuku is more noble than saving 100 drowning men but now, I guess, it is more noble housing 5000 homeless residents after a Tsunami. Such actions were shared by the Zen and Pure Land temples all over Japan but they have more sense of decency than to use basic human caring as a propaganda tool.

    1. I don't need to defend the indefensible, just share my own understanding of Nichiren Buddhism as I have experienced it within the SGI in Japan, Canada and the UK. In my time I have come across 2 or 3 leaders that seem to put President Ikeda on a pedestal and talk about how great he is, but the majority of leaders focus on how great we are, and the potential we have to fulfil our potential and realize Nichiren's dream of kosen-rufu, based on sincere practice rather than numbers.

      But here again we get an anomaly. You say that President Ikeda used to teach the nobility of shakubuku (implying he doesn't anymore) but you have also posted that SGI-USA is only focussed on getting new members. If President Ikeda doesn't care about shakubuku, why do the SGI-USA leaders care about it? If they love Ikeda so much, why go against his guidance?

      I find the same with the Human Revolution. If SGI-USA promotes the New Human Revolution so much why are they not embracing the fictionalised shining example of Shin'ichi?

      I don't know President Ikeda personally and have never met him, so my image of him comes from the figure portrayed in the Human Revolution, the impressions I formed from the Leader's Meeting videos and his writings. And, based on these, I would hold senior leaders to account based on how they embody the "perfect" leader in the Human Revolution in their own practice.

      I don't understand how the American leaders you talk about can bang on about President Ikeda if they don't strive to embody the image that they portray of him, and why they are not challenged for doing this.

      How can the Soka Gakkai see housing 5000 homeless residents as more noble than shakubuku? I haven't come across this information until I read it on the link that you posted so its hardly common knowledge. Surely if they wanted members to know how great they were, the SGI leaders could have publicised this more through SGI publications, videos, etc.

    2. You are unfamiliar with the SGI website in which every single minor good that the SGI performs is heralded? Have you not read the SGI UK experiences that I have posted about controlling UK leaders who exhibit malevolent behaviors? Are you denying their experiences? Was Richard Causton just such a model believer? I I can show you some of his many doctrinal mistakes as well as his poor behavior as a human being. The fish rots from the head down. Is SGI UK really so different than SGI USA? How many were converted in the UK? How many remain? Why have so many people who have contact with SGI UK abandoned the Daimoku? Because of the warm hearted leaders or because SGI UK too is a personality cult that fails to act as it speaks and fails to have the same faith and practice as the Daishonin?

  12. I guess Jean Gilbert was another unsourced experience of an SGI member. Everything can be sourced. The problem is that rape victims and other victims of SGI Buddhas, for the most part, want and deserve anonymity. In the case of Stan Zir's wife, the story was published on his blog, Victorious America and Jean Gilbert's brutal murder was well covered in the Irish press..Dead men and women who received guidance to forego medical treatment can tell no tales. Their stories have to be told through witnesses to the events.

    1. I have no reason to doubt any of these experiences and am sorry for any suffering members (or non members) get as a result of SGI leaders or members. The philosophy of the SGI is based on improving our own lives and society through Nichiren Buddhist practice and anyone that acts against this deserves to be dealt with through the mystic law of cause and effect, and the laws of the land. I'm sure all of these cases are verifiable through media and court records, but you act as though this kind of sexual violence, criminal activity and crimes of passion are condoned by the SGI.

      How did senior leaders in the UK respond to Jean GIlbert's murder? Did they try to cover it up or did they condone this behaviour?

      In Japan, Canada and the UK all of the six districts I have practiced in have encouraged people to rely on the strategy of the Lotus Sutra, and to take appropriate action, especially with regard to health issues. Why would anyone encourage a member to forego medical treatment? This is not Buddhism and such a person should be made to stand down as a leader.

      From my readings of the first three presidents, all of them have deferred to the wisdom of medical professionals and encouraged daimoku to support medical treatment rather than as a replacement for it.

      ALL of these experiences are examples of BAD LEADERSHIP and are at odds with the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren's writings and even President Ikeda's guidance.

    2. "Finally, President Toda gave the following encouragement to a person struggling with a serious illness: “A human being has a body that has the potential of developing all kinds of disease, including stomach cancer and tuberculosis. Likewise, we innately possess the ability to cure sickness in the body. Curing our own illness is just like the person who has climbed a slope and will surely climb down it. I can say this with conviction based upon the philosophy of Buddhism.” -- Daisaku Ikeda

      "Curing our own illness"

      This states that no outside intervention is required.

      I never said SGI condones abuse. It breeds abuse.

  13. answer the question not a nichiren buddhist. sgi and you can talk a lot of blah, blah, but as usual , ya can;t talk about the teachings. ugly shame!

    1. Who can follow Ikeda's guidance "Nichiren" Buddhist, he flip flops on so many things?

      "Religious strife must be avoided at all costs; under no circumstances should it be allowed. People may hold different religious beliefs, but the bottom line is that we are all human beings. We all seek happiness and desire peace. Religion should bring people together." Daisaku Ikeda, June 11, 1999 World Tribune page 11


      "Never forgive the base enemies of the Buddha, never! Be unremitting in your battle against them! Fight through to the end against the scheming verbal violence that seeks to undermine the Kosen Rufu movement, upholding in your hearts the slogan 'Adamantly Fight Back!'" Daisaku Ikeda, Saitama Youth Division Cultural General Meeting, Tokorozawa, Japan, September
      12, 1999 (WT)

    2. Which is it now 2014?

      "Religious strife must be avoided at all costs; under no circumstances should it be allowed. People may hold different religious beliefs, but the bottom line is that we are all human beings. We all seek happiness and desire peace. Religion should bring people together." Daisaku Ikeda, June 11, 1999 World Tribune page 11


      "Never forgive the base enemies of the Buddha, never! Be unremitting in your battle against them! Fight through to the end against the scheming verbal violence that seeks to undermine the Kosen Rufu movement, upholding in your hearts the slogan 'Adamantly Fight Back!'" Daisaku Ikeda, Saitama Youth Division Cultural General Meeting, Tokorozawa, Japan, September
      12, 1999 (WT)

  14. For complete rebuttal to "Nichiren" Buddhist, see series: "Nichiren" Buddhist conradicts Nichiren Daishonin: "Nichiren is the Original Buddha" 1-13.

  15. Since "Nichiren" Buddhist is wrong about this fundamental doctrine of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren, is there anything that he says about Buddhism or the Soka Gakkai that we can believe?
