Sunday, September 14, 2014

Soka Gakkai can without doubt bring about the destruction of Japan

"Little waves and a slight wind can hardly do harm to a large ship, but high waves and strong winds can easily overturn a small ship. Similarly, slight irregularities in the secular rule of the sovereign are like little waves and a slight wind and can do little harm to a great nation or a great man. But errors in the application of the Buddhist teachings, like high waves and strong winds that overturn a small ship, can without doubt bring about the destruction of the nation."

1 comment:

  1. They nearly succeeded in 1945 and again in 2011. The next time, Japan may not be so "lucky". Was Japan to outlaw the Soka Gakkai, not only would it accomplich far more than quantitave easing, the reinstatement of the principles of Aricle 9 of the Constitution, and the decommissioning of the Fukushima reactors, but the true Law would benefit the people far into the future. As it stands now, the SGI has so polluted the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren, so muddied the clear water of the Law, that I fear outlawing them is the only hope for Japan.
