Friday, October 24, 2014

$GI putting a dagger in Nichiren's heart

An attempt by Muslim governments to ban all criticism of Islam, Sharia, the prophet Muhammad and other tenets of their faith.

"US boycotting, Iran starring at UN racism meeting." -- AP

"Many Muslim nations want curbs to free speech to prevent insults to Islam they claim have proliferated since the terrorist attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001. They cite the 2005 cartoons of Muhammad published by a Danish newspaper that sparked riots in the Muslim world." -- AP

I am very pleased with the US stance on this issue. It is not our intention to insult Islam. However, we see very clearly that our religious and free speech rights: To reveal the devilish nature of the Muslim faith; to highlight the violent language and inconsistency of the Quran; to discuss the true nature of the so-called prophet Mohammad; and to condemn the lack of respect for the dignity of human life of Islamic fundamentalists, would be placed in jeopardy by recognizing the tenets of the U.N draft declaration. By pointing out the failings of Islam and their "prophet" Mohammad, we would be held criminally libel for excercising our unaliable rights under the constitution of the United States [by virtue of certain amendments put forth by Muslim governments in the U.N declaration]. The courageous stance of the US and Germany on this issue is a model for all civilized countries of the world. On the contrary, the SGI NGO was present and accounted for at the meeting, supporting the U.N. Declaration and therefore putting a dagger in the heart of Nichiren Daishonin.

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