Sunday, October 19, 2014

SGI Italy makes a joke

Question: What kind of person can be influenced by their propaganda to become members of their group?
Answer: There are some common characteristics in those who leave the SGI and join other Nichiren groups. They are:

  • complaint against the association and its leaders 
  • no confidence in leaders of SGI
  • misunderstands the real intentions of the SGI, mistaking it for an organization dictatorial 
  • does not understand that the master-disciple relationship is the key to enlightenment 
  • intellectual arrogance 
  • the malpractice of Gongyo 
  • does not apply "Shin, Gyo, Gaku" (Faith, Practice, and Study) 
  • 8) does not understand the doctrines of Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin.

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