Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Such a person beholds Shakyamuni Buddha face to face

"Again, it is written, “Whosoever receives and keeps this Lotus Sutra, reads it, correctly bears it in mind, practices it, writes and copies it, let it be known that such a person beholds Sakyamuni Buddha face to face, and hears the words of this sutra directly from the Buddha’s mouth. Such a one thus also venerates Sakyamuni Buddha in person.” This passage means that the Lotus Sutra and Sakyamuni Buddha are one and the same thing. For those who don’t believe in the Lotus Sutra, Sakyamuni Buddha has gone to extinction and does not appear anymore, but for those who believe in this sutra, even though it is said that he has gone to extinction, the Buddha is present in this world. Again it is written, “After I have attained Buddhahood and have gone on to nirvana, if there is any place  in the ten directions where the Lotus Sutra is preached, with my stupa, I will be there and manifest myself in that place to hear the sutra being preached, and will attest to the truth of the sutra.” This passage means that when we ordinary beings of this latter age of the dharma recite the august title of the Lotus Sutra, Prabh¯utanaratna Tath¯agata, on account of his vow, will come and be present. -- (STN 1, 123: 8–14)9 -- Shugo kokka ron by Nichiren Daishonin


  1. Wonderful Mark. Indeed the Lotus Sutra is the fullness and presence of Shakyamuni's mind!

  2. "Na Mo Miao Fa Lien Hua Jing"
    August title of Lotus Sutra. Why qibble about syllables?

    1. Because chanting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra is not merly chanting its title in sanskrit or chinese. It is the essence of the LS and is Buddha's very mind in sound. Nichiren wrote " The five characters of Myoho Renge Kyo are not the text of the sutra nor a mere explanation; rather they are the sole intent of the whole sutra" (Shishin Gohon Sho). So as messenger of the Very Buddha ,(master of teachings and therefore how that teaching enters the world via sound) Nichiren makes it clear that indeed these syllables matter very much. If not he would have said so.

      With respect :)
