Tuesday, November 18, 2014

This person truly understands the Soka Gakkai cult

"It's almost as if there's something "wrong" about examining a religious or self-transformation group; they only want to help you! How dare you want to look a gift-guru in the mouth!!

And, if you told the person trying to recruit you that you just wanted to check things out, there would be a ready reply. "Well, by all means, gather as much info as you can! I do want you to be aware, though, that there's a lot of negative stuff out there. THEY call US a cult, THEY say that WE'RE dishonest. The truth is though, that many of THEM are failed members or actual ENEMIES. THEY are envious, and THEY only want to see US fail. THEY tell so many lies about US, and WE chant for THEIR happiness because, obvs, THEY are very troubled and unhappy people! Please come to me with any questions, and I'll be happy to answer them!"

So many things going on there:

Suggested honesty - I'm acknowledging that there is negative stuff out there.
A quick establishment of us vs. them - they hate us, they envy us.
Persecution - they're out there to destroy our glorious organization.
We're better than they are - while they plot our destruction, we pray for their happiness.
The suggestion that they might be unbalanced - so troubled, so unhappy, poor them!
Offer of assistance - I've been so up-front with you in acknowledging all of this . . . you just know I'll be honest if you are troubled by any of the info you find.
And you get to feel kind of like an ungrateful worm, because I have been so wonderful to you - you'll be cutting me some slack because you feel kind of bad about it after I've been so swell!"

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