Sunday, December 28, 2014

My door is always open to strays.

Gary: As far  as Al Albergate's letter is concerned...There is a history of debate with the Kempon Hokke Kai. 
Mark: Total nonsense. It is fear of losing that has prevented the SGI from debating with us.
Gary: And apparently many have simply stopped the  debate because the same arguments kept on going and going. 
Mark: You just stated that the Daishonin would ALWAYS debate with anyone and now you say the SGI won't because the arguments go nowhere. You expose your hypocrisy [or your short attention span or your ignorance].
Chris: Mark you are like the energizer bunny beating the same drum over and over until people are bored silly. 
Mark: Did or did not Gary state that he would debate anyone anywhere and at any time and then said the SGI won't debate sometimes because the arguments go nowhere [as soon as he was losing the debate, mind you]? Let us please call a spade a spade and then we can continue this dialogue. If the truth is too difficult for you to bear, you are practicing not the true teachings but some inferior teachings. Do not for a moment believe that what you said about my arrogance went unnoticed. You must look to the writings of your Sensei to actually know an arrogant man and he doesn't even embrace a valid object of worship. I have seen him state that only he can properly understand the Sutra. Arrogance is thinking that the common man who recites the Daimoku and embraces the Lotus Sutra is somehow incomplete without "MY" guidance.
Gary: They were not  debates but simply "arguments". For this reason, the leaders of the SGI would like to focus their efforts on Kosen-Rufu, not "arguing". 
Mark: You are as inconsistant as the tenets and doctrines of the Soka Gakkai and Mr. Ikeda.
Gary: But don't forget the fact that Al was reaching out to you in his letter, saying that we would meet and talk with you.
Mark: Come on down and bring Danny Nagashima and Ted Morino. We can stay at my home in Oklahoma. We can plumb the depths of Buddhism, chant to the Nichiren Gohonzon and take long walks and feed the fox and deer. The spring would be ideal.
Chris: Perhaps all of these people should come visit you. I might be willing some time, work, children and time permit. However, they probably don't have time either. They are involved in the real world of encouraging and teaching, and practicing with their fellow members.
Mark: The top SGI leaders are no better than beasts for what they are doing to the Daishonin's teachings. Still, my door is always open to strays. 

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