Sunday, December 28, 2014

Soka Gakkai's adulterates Nichiren Daishonin's most important writing, the True Object of Worship

Soka Gakkai's adulterates Nichiren Daishonin's most important writing, the True Object of Worship which they translated from Taisekeji's modern Gosho Zenshu:

"The essential teaching of the Lotus Sutra and true Buddhism are both pure teachings that lead directly to Buddhahood. However, Shakyamuni's is the Buddhism of the harvest, and this is the Buddhism of sowing. The core of his teachings is one chapter and two halves, and for me is Myoho-renge-kyo alone."  (MW vol I Kanjin No Honzon Sho, p. 72) 

Kyotsu Hori's faithful translation based on the original Chinese found in the Showa Tehon collection of Gosho

"The teaching of the essential section section during the the lifetime of Sakyamuni Buddha and that which would spread in the in the beginning of the Latter Day are likewise absolutely perfect. However, the former is for attaining enlightenment, whereas the latter is for sowing the seeds of Buddhahood. While the former is crystallized in the sixteenth chapter, 'Duration of the Life of the Buddha', with half a chapter each preceding it and following it, the latter is solely embodied in the five characters of myo, ho, ren, ge, kyo." [pg. 122]

Senchu Murano's translation, also based on the Showa Tehon:

"It is evident that the Revelation of Eternity was preached for the sake of us who live at the beginning of the period of Deprivation. In this respect, we are as blessed as those who heard the Buddha in person, the only difference is that they brought to fruit their seeds of Buddhahood by hearing directly the 'One Chapter and Two Halves', whereas we are endowed with the seeds of Buddhahood by receiving the Five Words." (Five Major Writings of Nichiren, Sench Murano translation, Kanjin No Honzon Sho,  p. 37) 

1 comment:

  1. This is a particularly grievous action on the part of the Soka Gakkai because their faulty translations based on Taisekeji's Gosho Zenshu will remain for centuries while Ikeda worship is certain to diminish.
