Sunday, January 4, 2015

For the sake of world peace

Please write to President Ikeda demanding that SGI divest from Mitsubishi which manufactures cluster bombs and components for weapons of mass destruction.


  1. I'm sure it will be a victorious campaign!

  2. "I'm sure it will be a victorious campaign!" leading to a brilliant future

  3. A glorious campaign. Now SGI should go clean up the landmines that Mitsubishi manufactured and distributed instead of cleaning Ikeda's toilets in the community centers. Phony hypocrites, they.

    1. They are total hypocrites when it comes to the Law, how could we expect there be any difference when it comes to secular matters. This Mitsubishi scenario is a mirror reflection of who they are in the Nichiren Buddhist doctrine world where they have and are creating so much destruction in what resembles a nuclear waste land devoid of life except for the surviving mutations

    2. Petitions are not the SGI way, I've been there don that, all to no avail . In fact they don't have any attitude to listen to others, their attitude to dialogue is fake because they have already made up their minds about what they are doing. It's all façade in they pretend that they care, fooling those dependent upon them into a false sense security that everything will be ok because we are taking care of it, just be patient but tomorrow never comes, just empty promises

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  5. The first ten of the fourteen slanders concern one’s attitude and action toward the Law, that is, the Buddha’s teachings; the last four concern those toward people who believe in and practice that Law.

    Emphasizing the importance of unity among believers, the Daishonin says, “Always remember that believers in the Lotus Sutra should absolutely be the last to abuse one another.” The reason he gives is that “all those who keep faith in the Lotus Sutra are most certainly Buddhas, and one who slanders a Buddha commits a grave offense.” In other words, he warns against the last four of the fourteen slanders: “despising, hating, envying, and bearing grudges against” fellow believers. (The Fourteen Slanders)

    How could they, the SGI Headquarters have supported and paid leaders who do not have faith in the Lotus Sutra and who are not fellow believers that represent Nichiren Buddism, unless they are the same themselves. How grieved and betrayed those feel who have awoken from the sleep (hypnotic trance). And worse they persecute those who raise their voice against them for tying to uphold the Law of Namu Myoho Renge Kyo only to compound their negative karma that they have created. The deepest level of the Avichi Hell is reserved for such as those according to Nichiren

  6. Couldn't agree more Noel. Thanks for sharing your insights.
