Saturday, January 3, 2015

Ikeda claims SGI members are the object of fundamental respect

"If we embrace this Gohonzon and chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, we ourselves become the object of fundamental respect (honzon) of ichinen sanzen and embody the founder, Nichiren Daishonin" -- speech by Daisaku Ikeda on April 2, 1993 May 3, 1993 WORLD TRIBUNE

"The Maka shikan says: ' If one lacks faith [in the Lotus Sutra], one will object that it pertains to the lofty realm of the sages, something far beyond the capacity of one’s own wisdom to comprehend. If one lacks wisdom, one will become puffed up with arrogance and will claim to be the equal of the Buddha.'" -- Opening of the Eyes


  1. The doctrine of the attainment of Buddhahood in one’s present form is clearly mentioned in a number of different Mahayana sutras and in the Mahāvairochana Sutra. But when persons hold that those abiding by these sutras can attain Buddhahood in their present form, they are guilty of two types of overbearing arrogance1 and will invariably fall into the hell of incessant suffering.

    Volume nine of The Annotations on “The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra” states, “These two types of overbearing arrogance are not without difference in degree between them. One who supposes that ordinary human beings are the same as the Buddha is guilty of great shamelessness.”

    Nichiren (On Attaining Buddhahood in One’s Present Form)

    One type of overbearing arrogance is the arrogance of clinging to the theory that ordinary human beings are the same as the Buddha, thus neglecting Buddhist practice and failing to attain Buddhahood. The other is the arrogance of refusing to believe in the teaching of the Lotus Sutra that ordinary human beings who are not free from greed, anger, and foolishness are capable of attaining Buddhahood in their present form.

  2. Yes, Noel, but not those who slander the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha, and the Supreme Votary.Still even they can go onto attain Buddhahood. Get up from the same ground to which they have fallen.

    1. That's what attracted me to Buddhism in the firs place in that there is always hope

  3. Also concerning such a doctrine, Nichiren says that we should reserve such proclamations for a formal debate and we know where SGI stands on the matter of a formal debate.

  4. Treacherous quivering cowards that they are,are no where to be seen when it time to speak out for what they believe. It just shows us what they are made of

  5. Unless these self righteous sleaze bags can tell you what to do they are not interested in dialogue. They are only interested in playing Simon says as long as they are Simon. I have a friend named Simon who's not impressed about the SGI's abuse of power and he says that they sound like are a bunch of control freaks who cant handle to be told what to do, the ego maniacs that they are

  6. I don't like it either [to be told what to do], except when it comes to Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren [because I highly respect them]. Sometimes, another believer will impress me with their words and deeds and can guide me through some problem. Sometimes I bite the bullet and have to do what I don't want to do to avoid civil or criminal liability despite an unjust secular law. For me, the key is to not compromise the faith nor to disgrace the Lotus Sutra. Just rambling.

  7. I like to drive at more than 90 miles an hour but the Law says that I can't. I don't like it but I abide by the rules [mostly]. A better example: Someone needs medicine very badly but has no insurance and little money to buy the expensive medicine. I could write the medicine for a family member that has insurance. I would be committing insurance fraud. I don't, even though it is unjust that the patient can't get the medicine that might offer a cure.

  8. Have the SGI or Nichiren Shoshu or any of the Nichiren sects threatened take you to court over something you said about them that they consider to be not true so as to quieten you down

  9. Hi Noel. SGI low level leaders and general members without authority have threatened me. Not anyone with actionable status. If I had several thousand views a day, it might be different. I do know that, at least periodically, higher level leaders monitor this blog.


  10. I hope these high ranking officials can settle out of court by Buddhist dialouge. But there could be class action from the SGI members over duty of care that hasn't been taken seriously by leadership causing grievous psychological harm

  11. They won't sue for several reasons: My First Amendment rights; if they sued me they would have to acknowledge me and give me a platform; and if they did [acknowledge me], I would gain credibility in the people's eyes.
