Friday, January 23, 2015

SGI teachings are not even similar to Nichiren's

"If you are a devout Christian, i don’t mean to offend you by posting this. Actually, i don’t consider true Buddhism to be a religion. It’s actually a Life Philosophy practiced by a large number of Christians. Since Quantum Physics now proves with out a doubt, that everything is really just Energy disguised as physical matter; Nam Myoho Renga Kyo (the Chant) is simply a very high vibration, that gives more power to that which you desire. Because it is of such a positive frequency, when you repeat it over and over again, it can only give off a harmonizing effect, grounded in Causality. In other words if you make good positive causes, you will receive positive results more frequently and faster. But, if you continue to foster negativity the effect will also come much faster. This is actually a good thing if you need a mirror to see what's wrong with you. This is the Law Of Attraction on steroids so to speak." -- Ikeda cult member

"But the sutra says, “How much more will this be so after his passing?” By this we know that, in a future age after the passing of the Buddha, there are bound to be persecutions and difficulties even greater and more fearful than those that occurred during his lifetime. If even the Buddha had difficulty bearing up under such persecutions, how can ordinary people be expected to bear them, particularly when these troubles are destined to be even greater than those that occurred during the Buddha’s lifetime?

Though one might wonder what great persecutions could possibly be more terrible than the huge rock thirty feet long and sixteen feet wide that Devadatta rolled down on the Buddha or the drunken elephant that King Ajātashatru sent charging after him, if persecutions greater than those that arose during the Buddha’s lifetime keep occurring again and again to someone who is not guilty of the slightest fault, then one should realize that that person is a true votary of the Lotus Sutra in the age after the Buddha’s passing."

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