Saturday, January 3, 2015

"The only way to enlightenment is to believe in the Buddha." -- Nichiren

"We can not observe the precepts, We can not practice meditation. We can not obtain the wisdom of the Buddha. The only way to enlightenment is to believe in the Buddha. Our belief in the Buddha is expressed by the chanting of the Sacred Title Namu Myoho renge kyo." (Shishin-gohon-sho) -- Nichiren


  1. Once again, I say, is it because SGI, NST, and HBS, chant Nam Myoho renge kyo [instead of Namu Myoho renge kyo] that they fail to believe in the Buddha? Were it so, we have a clear explanation of why.

  2. Silent closed eyes meditation that is focused on the breath can have a calming effect on the mind body complex and shouldn't be mistaken as an end in itself as far as enlightenment goes , but rather as a means to an end
