Sunday, February 8, 2015

Depressed Buddhas?

Soka Gakkai Australia Depression Initiative

1 comment:

  1. Soka Gakkai Australia are suffering from Lotus Sutra Deficiency Disorder

    (They are oppressed by all the distresses;)

    The Lotus Sutra states:

    "Of yore i made a vow,

    Wishing to cause all creatures

    to rank equally without difference with me.

    According to the vow I made of old,

    Now[all] has been perfectly fulfilled....

    [But] the unwitting [remain] confused

    And, going astray, never accept my teaching.

    I know that all these creatures

    Have never practiced the fundamental goodness,

    Are firmly attached to the five desires,

    And through infatuation are in distress;

    By reason of these desires,

    They fall into the three evil paths;

    Transmigrating in the six states of existence,

    They suffer the utmost misery

    Received into the womb in minute form,

    Life after life they ever increase and grow,

    Poor in virtue and little happiness.

    They are oppressed by all the distresses;

    They have entered the thickets of heretical views,

    Such as 'existence' or nonexistence';

    Relying on these [false] views

    Altogether sixty-two,

    They are deeply attached to these false laws,

    Firmly holding, unable to give them up,

    Self sufficient and self inflated,

    Suspicious, crooked, and faithless in mind;

    During thousands and milliards of kalpas

    They have not heard the name of a Buddha,

    Nor have they heard the True Law. (Lotus Sutra Chapter 2)
