Monday, February 9, 2015

I'm late for work but I have to share this.

Recently, Ted Morino, a top SGI leader and former study department chief, met with a Japanese general Nichiren Shoshu member and wife of my friend. According to her, he couldn't answer even one of her questions. How the hell could he come here and answer our questions or respond to our assertions, those of the disciples and believers of Nichiren? They will never come here.


  1. Its all about our behavior as human beings! But you won't publish my posts. Yep I'm just a poor mexican living in the mountains getting by. So I guess I don't count???

  2. The moral to the story is that the "common people"will answer your questions, dude.

  3. "if someone is about to kill your father and mother , shouldnt you try to warn them? If a bad son who is insane with xrink is threatening to kill his father and mother, shouldn't you try to stop him? If some evil person is about to set fire to the temples and pagodasa shouldn't you try to stop him? If your only child is gravely ill, shouldn't you try to cure him or her with moxibusion treatment? To fail to do so is to act like those people who see but do not try to put stop to the Zen and Nembutsu followers in Japan. (As Chang An says.)"If one fefriends another person but lacks the mercy to correct him one is in fact his enemy." (author - Nicheren Daaishonin-written 4th month of the ninth year of Bun'ei (1272)

  4. You are kidding anonymous. Yes? No? Anyway, I have no questions at this time but many assertions and yes, the common man Nichiren will answer my questions.

  5. What do you want to debate Mr. Kingo?

  6. stay anonymous...........ya got nothing slanderer.
