Thursday, April 2, 2015

Accomplished man excommunicated for asking too many questions

Kevin O'Neil was a 7th degree black belt in Kempo Karate, an African American, and he had a Master's degree in Asian philosophy. He was also a very strong District Leader. One day, he took SGI up on their exhortation to ask as many questions as you like. He gave Mr. Kasahara a notebook with 3000 questions. After several months and not receiving a single answer to even one question, he confronted Mr. Kasahara. Mr Kasahara excommunicated him. 


  1. Hello i want to learn about the true nichiren buddhism, i am from Venezuela and theres not another fount here that the sgi cult. Please i need your guidance. Thanks

  2. Oh! My email is

  3. Oh! My email is

  4. Hello i want to learn about the true nichiren buddhism, i am from Venezuela and theres not another fount here that the sgi cult. Please i need your guidance. Thanks

  5. Hi Jean. If you chant Namu Myoho renge kyo every day, study the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren Daishonin, have faith in the Three Treasures and Three Great Secret Laws of Nichiren Buddhism, and teach others to do the same to the best of your ability, you will learn quickly. Will write you.

  6. hello jean , and welcome. this blog can be trusted. cheers.
