Sunday, April 12, 2015

I have been banished again and again

E-Sangha, SGIunofficial, Yahoo Independent Sangha, Yahoo Nichiren Shu Sangha, Buddha Jones, Chanting Growers Group, Fraught With Peril, Beliefnet, Lotus Sutra Society, several places of employment [for doing shakubuku], and other sundry places.


  1. How have you been banished by the Lotus Sutra Society? I thought that was the organisation you set up after you left Kempon Hokke?

  2. Stephen Paine set up the Lotus Sutra Society.

  3. Hi Mark, did you used to be involved with the Lotus Sutra Society?

    When I followed this blog more regularly, it sounded like the Lotus Sutra Society was a modern day attempt to put Nichiren Buddhism back on track by basing itself on the Lotus Sutra and authentic Gosho, which I thought matched your vision for Nichiren Buddhism perfectly, especially after the Kempon Hokke had started to dilute their practice with other forms of meditation based on provisional sutras..

    What happened? Why were you banished?

    I don't always agree with how rigidly you follow the Daishonin's teachings or all of your literal interpretations of everything Nichiren wrote, but I thought you would have been a real asset to the Lotus Sutra Society with your steadfast faith and refusal to compromise Nichiren doctrines.

    Have you been banished from the society itself, just their forum or did you resign? It just seems strange that a society that wanted to strictly follow the Daishonin's teachings wouldn't appreciate your depth of knowledge on the Gosho and your commitment to protecting the purity of the practice.

  4. I suggest you ask Stephen Paine, he who banished me. I will only say that he accused me of failing to return some materials that he never sent me. He sent them to another and I never even saw them, let alone possessed them.

  5. Also, he was upset because I never helped him with the Society [under his direction] and for spending so much time admonishing the SGI. He brought up the the so-called Three Remonstration Rule [retiring to the mountains to develop the movement after remonstrating three times with the authorities]. I believe that he fails to realize, let alone adopt, Nichiren's manner of unfailingly and tirelessly confronting slander despite having retired to the mountains to develop and expand the movement.

  6. I forgot to mention, that his assertion is that by ceaselessly remonstrating with the SGI that I am associating with slanderers. Of course, I don't see it this way for the reasons mentioned in the comment above.

  7. Hi Mark, Many thanks for the update.

    I suppose that even between practioners as devoted as you and Stephen who aim to practise in accordance with the Lotus Sutra and authentic Gosho, it still comes down to a matter of interpretation of the texts.

    There is the "three remonstrations rule" which led Nichiren to move to Mount Minobu, but does this refer to remonstrations with government or with religious leaders? I think you mentioned once before that you had written to Bill Clinton when he was in office, but I don't think you have remonstrated three times with the government, or with later presidents.

    I thought with religious leaders, it came down to debate rather than remonstrations, which I think, despite your strenuous efforts to organise with senior leaders of SGI-USA, still hasn't occurred, let alone three times!

    And, even when Nichiren did retire to the mountains, it didn't stop him from continuing to write letters to his disciples (Nichiren Buddhists irrespective of which senior priest they followed) warning them of erroneous teachings, persecutions and slander.

    Personally I see your blog posts as the equivalent of Nichiren's warnings and encouragement to other Nichiren Buddhists (of whatever school), rather than specific remonstrations with the top SGI leaders or President Ikeda.

    I suppose you could also argue that in Chapter 2 of the Lotus Sutra where the 5,000 arrogant persons leave the assembly, Shakyamuni doesn't admonish or lecture to them but allows them to leave thinking they have attained what they have not. But then again, your blog doesn't force anyone to stay among your "assembly". Readers that don't like what you are saying are free to either try and correct your misunderstanding, insult you or retire to their own websites.

    I also agree that your steadfast remonstrations wouldn't equate to associating with slanderers in my eyes. You are simply putting across your understanding of Nichiren Buddhism based on your reading of Nichiren's words and the Lotus Sutra, and you certainly don't seem to have mellowed or diluted your admonitions, over the last few years I've been following you.

    If you only associate with non-slanderers, it would be a very inward looking practice and kosen-rufu would never be achieved.

    I for one consider you a "zenchishiki" (good friend) for my practice and you have certainly challenged and strengthened my faith in Nichiren Buddhism, even if I do still believe that the SGI is the right path for me.
