Sunday, April 26, 2015

More Reddit: On the Independent Reassessment Group [IRG] for Anonymous SGI Leader

1 comment:

  1. The longer that I've been away from the sgi, the clearer it is to see that I was caught up in a cult, even though most of the time I was on the fringe. I always felt there was something pukey about it. There is a saying that the first part of the fish that goes rotten is the head. That sums up the Soka Gakkai, the foundations are rotten to the core.

    The Makaguchi and Toda went to prison because they believed that the Lotus Sutra would win the War for Japan and not Shintoism. They weren't jailed for being against war, like the Soka Gakkai taught. This is typical of the endless lies of these warmongers
