Thursday, April 2, 2015

Soka University of America or Ikeda University of Advanced Cult Indoctrination?

"We are disciples of Sensei" sung to the song, We Are The Champions


  1. Not SGI? Thinking about applying to SUA? Think very carefully before making a decision. Beautiful campus, great food, good weather, huge endowment, large faculty to student ratio, excellent language program..BUT all this is far outweighed by the SGI cult indoctrination, whether subtle or overt, as in this video. I don't think this video will be around long. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Don't put the waste of the SGI cult teachings in your precious mind. Noah Webster taught himself 29 languages on his own. You don't need the Soka cult university.

  2. Not only do they see nothing strange about their behavior, but they are proud of SGI mind control and brainwashing.

  3. Still stranger, is that if you ask them if the worship Ikeda, they deny deny deny. They don't see this as "idol worship!" They still think they are simply showing respect. How sad!
