Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sorry folks, these videos are no longer available because the YouTube account associated with these anti scientol...I mean anti-SGI videos have been terminated.

The estrangement of the $oka Gakkai cult - reported by Hitch

4. (This is quite an interesting and revealing part.) 
5. (This portion is devastating, IMO.) 
6. (We will "become like the protestants and the catholics", see 0.53 min. mark.) 
7. (I can attest to the fact that gakkai cult always used to say and place very heavy emphasis on the Dai-gohonzon. How convenient now, with prevailing winds blowing in a different direction, they can so easily revise previously hardcore doctrine, completely contradicting their own official stance from the past. This, along with the Nikken gohonzon fiasco, IMO resulted in the gakkai inadvertently revealing their hand, for all to see - the trick cards and the bluffing.) JMO, but it is all a con-job, with the gakkai cult just being more unscrupulous, evil and better (more $$, too) at pulling the levers of manipulation over the members/believers. 

On a related note - 

The nichiren shoshu priesthood gets home-visited over a dozen times by gakka cult members: 

Here is the first of many clips, showing gakkai members in the "genkan" (entrance way to a place of residence) rudely arguing with priest/members over doctrine (notice the way the chubby one keeps banging, pointing, gesturing with a rolled up paper and otherwise being very aggressive in behavior). If you add in pushing, shoving, louder yelling (on the gakkai side) and a little more psycho behavior, you pretty much have some of the same stuff that I witnessed from my years "in." 

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