Tuesday, May 12, 2015

"I am a Buddha" -- SGI member

"It is like, for example, a mere commoner who goes about proclaiming that he is a king. There is nothing to stop him from declaring himself to be a king. But no matter how his tongue may delight in making such a declaration, he remains no more than a commoner, humble and despised in station.

Or it is like someone insisting that mere shards and rubble are in fact jewels. Simply declaring that stones and shards are jewels has never once turned stones into real jewels. And you are doing the same thing when you go on repeating the formula “This very body is the Buddha,” mere words that have no reality behind them, a pitiful, a most pitiful performance!" -- Nichiren


  1. for the sgi/nst its like eating a human turd and claiming its a chocolate eclair.

    1. it smells like shit, but everyone pretends it smells delicious.

  2. Once upon a time, I had many patients with intellectual disabilities. Quite a few were among the most cheerful people I had ever met. I seriously reflected if they or I were more fortunate, they with what seemed to be not a care in the world or I with tons of responsibilities and worries? In the end, I concluded that I was far more fortunate than they because I was clear of mind, without delusions [or illusions] about the nature of reality. Likewise, I feel the same way about SGI members who fail to see clearly, cheerfully going through the world creating a false reality for themselves and the true nature of the SGI.

    1. i understand exactly how you feel and i agree with you. as john lennon has said, "living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see" . better yet, ten tai and nichiren concur, "slander of the lotus sutra will only lead to a deeper delusion". so there you have it.
